3 tips to end procrastination with EFT Tapping
Overcoming Procrastination
In this article, you'll learn about what procrastination is, and the possible reasons why people procrastinate. The purpose of this article is to know the concept behind procrastination, and present tried-and-true methods for overcoming it. You need to keep these 3 tips in mind when you are stuck in the pattern of procrastination, that is explained below.
It’s a breezy Sunday evening and you’re sitting by the window, taking in the wonderful view. Trees sway against one another. Birds sing to their little ones. The scent of wet earth fills the air. You are relaxed and calm. Sure, you have a report due in a week, but that’s 168 hours away. Today is just too beautiful; you’ll do it tomorrow.
It’s been 5 days. The report is due day-after and you haven’t begun. The panic sets in. You can feel your heartbeat against your chest. You begin to realize just how much work it really is. You realize you have no clue where to start. You sit at the computer but you don’t know what to type. Oh, how you wish you had started earlier!
If only this wasn’t every other person’s tale. Be it a school project, an office target to be met, a broken tap that needs looking into, a career switch to make…we’re all stuck in the pattern of procrastination.
We've all struggled with procrastination at some point in our lives. We have struggled with delaying, evading, and procrastinating on problems that important to us for as long as humans have existed.
Let's understand the essentials first. What is the definition of procrastination? What does it mean to procrastinate? So, what exactly are we up against here?
Procrastination is the act of postponing choices or actions unnecessarily. For instance, if you need to complete a project you wind up squandering time on the internet despite knowing you should be working, you are procrastinating.
Procrastination is the habit of putting off unpleasant or stressful chores that are often highly important in favour of less important, less stressful tasks.
Procrastination is derived from the Latin term "pro crastinus", which roughly translates to "for tomorrow". Procrastination is definitely not a new concept, and it has been practised for at least thousands of years.
Procrastination is generally damaging to people's capacity to achieve their goals, as evidenced by the fact that procrastination is linked to achieving lower marks in school and earning a lower wage at work.
Furthermore, procrastination is linked to a slew of other difficulties, including increased stress and deterioration of physical and mental health (1).
“Never put off till tomorrow what may be done day-after tomorrow just as well.”
- mark twain
Okay, definitions are wonderful, but why do we procrastinate in the first place? What is it about the human brain that causes us to avoid doing the things we know we should?
If you're a frequent procrastinator, you've definitely wondered to yourself, "Why do I procrastinate so much?" or "why do I keep procrastinating despite the fact that I know it's terrible for me?" These are key questions to ask since figuring out why you procrastinate is crucial to figuring out how to stop.
People frequently believe that procrastination is simply a matter of willpower, but the issue is significantly more complicated.
When presented with a difficult decision or a task to do, we frequently rely on our self-control to get things done.
Furthermore, our motivation, which is based on the expectation of earning some sort of reward for our efforts, might help us maintain self-control and increase the likelihood that we will complete tasks on time.
Paralysis of decision-making:
The quantity of opportunities available in today's globe is incredible. Individual liberty is revered in modern culture, with the notion that the more free people are, the happier they will be. So, why aren't people today happier than they were in the past? Because we have more freedom to make our own decisions and act, we have gotten easily confused about what is a priority, what is vital and what is not, and what is good and wrong, and as a result, we have been demotivated to do anything at all.
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD):
People with obsessive-compulsive disorder are prone to procrastination. One explanation is that OCD is frequently associated with maladaptive, unhealthy perfectionism, which can lead to anxieties of making new mistakes, doubts about whether you're doing something right, and anxiety about what others expect of you. In addition, people with OCD frequently suffer from indecision, prompting them to postpone rather than make a decision.
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD):
People with ADHD frequently struggle with time management and organising, and they procrastinate more frequently than others. This is especially true when ADHD and bipolar disorder coexist.
Low self-esteem is a typical symptom of depression, and it has been linked to procrastination. Individuals who are unsure of their capacity to perform a task satisfactorily are more prone to avoid or procrastinate doing it.
This occurs as a result of having to work hard all day, and if it's already late at night, tiredness, which arises as a result of working hard all day, might make it more difficult to exercise self-control. Similarly, a long time gap between when we accomplish a task and when we receive the reward for doing it might cause us to devalue the value of the reward, lowering its motivational effect.
Anxiety sufferers may become fixated with their dread of failure. Procrastination might result from a lack of faith in one's abilities to accomplish a task in order to prevent failure in the short term.
We've lost touch with our future selves:
Temporal self-discontinuity or temporal disjunction is a phenomena that causes people to postpone because they perceive their future self as being separate from their present self.
Focus on future possibilities:
People frequently procrastinate taking action in the present in order to pursue a more appealing path of action in the future. This thinking can lead to long-term procrastination, even if the procrastinator never follows through on their intended strategy.
As a result of their perfectionism, people may procrastinate. Perfectionism can cause procrastination in a variety of ways, including making someone so afraid of making a mistake that they don't do anything at all, or making someone so afraid of publishing something with flaws that they keep reworking their project indefinitely rather than releasing it when it's ready (2).
Overall, we procrastinate because demotivating forces such as worry and fear of failure overwhelm our self-control and motivation, which may be hampered by factors such as weariness and distant rewards.
This makes us unable to self-regulate our behaviour, causing us to put things off excessively, even when we know we should, which is why procrastination frequently results in a disconnect between how we intend to act and how we actually act.
Note that there are occasional exceptions to this rule, such as when procrastination is motivated by something other than boredom, such as rebelliousness or a desire to spice up otherwise dull labour.
However, the mechanism mentioned above is the most common explanation for why individuals procrastinate.
How To Self-Heal & Become An EFT Practitioner
Discover how EFT Tapping can help you to self-heal or to become professionally qualified as a Certified EFT Practitioner. Emotional Freedom Techniques (Tapping) is clinically proven to lower stress, tension, anxiety, past trauma to enable health, happiness and vitality.
- Procrastination is not laziness: Procrastinators frequently postpone tasks, leaving them till the last possible moment, or even looking at the wall. However, keep in mind that procrastination is not synonymous with laziness.
People that are lazy simply do nothing and are content with it. Procrastinators, on the other hand, have the desire to get something done but are unable to do it.
It's a good idea to start referring to procrastination as opposed to laziness or putting things off. It gives a far more accurate picture of your predicament. You can only start working on your problem once you've given it the proper name. - Procrastination is not relaxation: Procrastination should not be confused with relaxing. Relaxing gives you a boost of energy. Procrastination, on the other hand, depletes it. The less energy you have, the more anxious or even depressed you are likely to get, and the more likely you are to put off your tasks.
So the polar opposite of procrastination is actually getting things done, as well as being able to relax, manage your workload effectively, and be content in the long run.
“While we waste our time hesitating and postponing, life is slipping away.”
- seneca
Procrastination is one of the biggest roadblocks to waking up, making the correct decisions, and living the life you've always imagined.
According to recent studies, people regret the things they haven't done more than the things they have. Furthermore, regret and guilt associated with lost chances tend to linger for far longer.
All of our opportunities appear to be at our fingertips at times, yet we can't seem to grasp them. When you procrastinate, you are wasting time that could be spent on something more important.
You will be able to do more and better harness the potential that life has to offer if you can defeat this formidable foe.
We already know that today's world encourages procrastination, thus learning how to fight it is one of the most valuable skills you can acquire (3).
In his widely known TEDx talk Inside the Mind of a Master Procrastinator, Tim Urban talks about his adventures as an expert procrastinator.
All hilarity aside, he explains how procrastination becomes problematic.
We don’t just delay action in our professional lives but in all other aspects of our lives – romantic relationships, familial connections, health, and so on.
We may procrastinate leaving an abusive relationship, or talking to our parents about what upsets us, or going to the doctor for a noticeable ailment. All these aspects of our lives are significant, and delaying action can be emotionally and physically fatal.
While the initial stages of procrastination are stress-free and pleasant, the latter stages are not. These are the stages when you realize the magnitude of your task compared to the limitations of your time and energy resources.
You feel a sense of fear and panic. Your stress sparks instantaneously. Your dread of the future is counterproductive.
You are unable to concentrate on your task.
You may be trying to focus with all you have, but all your mind keeps saying is, “What if you don’t make it? There’s no time! WHAT IF YOU DON’T MAKE IT? THERE’S NO TIME!”
Breathe. Relax. I’ve got you covered.
After working for years with procrastinators from all over the globe, I have put together for you 3 things to keep in mind when you’re stuck in the patterns of procrastination.
Accept Where You Are
This is it. This is a reality. The time that’s gone is gone and no amount of worry will bring it back.
It’s very tempting right now to think retrospectively: “What if I had worked instead of watching that movie?” “If only I hadn’t wasted time on that video game.” This is called ‘Counterfactual Thinking’ – wherein you imagine situations that could have occurred to produce an outcome better than your current one.
You have a set amount of work and a fixed number of hours. All that Counterfactual Thinking will give you is the same amount of work but fewer hours and a whole lot of stress. Not something you can afford right now.
Be Kind to Yourself
Don’t be so harsh on yourself. I know this can be difficult right now. With the panic may come a sense of guilt for not beginning earlier. I know that right now you are cursing yourself saying, “I do this every time! Why can’t I learn from the last time this happened?” But be patient with yourself.
‘Tapping’, also known as ‘Emotional Freedom Techniques’ (EFT), is a technique that combines tapping on acupressure meridians while saying statements out loud. The technique is designed to help you accept those statements even if you didn’t initially believe them.
While procrastinating, tap on the side of your hand and say aloud:
“Even though I find myself procrastinating, I am open to the possibility of accepting myself anyway.”
This will help you truly accept this statement and consequently accept yourself at the moment.
Download a free booklet here for a more thorough understanding of Tapping. To learn Emotional Freedom Techniques, find out more about the training, with Practitioner Certification.
Right now is not the time for self-blame, dear. Instead, it's time to buckle up and accomplish against the odds. Divert this negative energy that you are directing at yourself. Use this energy to charge through your project!
Trust that Things Will Change
Procrastination is not a sin. But it certainly isn’t a virtue. Use these 3 tools when you find yourself stuck in the pattern of procrastination while you gradually try to kick the habit itself.
The only constant is change. With the right guidance of a Life Coach, you can identify where the root of your procrastinating tendencies lies. Then trust that in due time, you will be able to uproot this cause and live the structured, productive, stress-free life you wish to embody!
So here you have them – my 3 pointers for procrastinators! Be mindful of these simple facts and fire away to productivity!
People procrastinate for a variety of reasons, and one person may procrastinate for several of them. Understanding why others procrastinate is beneficial because it can help you figure out why you procrastinate as well, which can lead to a solution to your procrastination problem.
In conclusion, even if you have procrastinated in the past, you have a choice now to change all that now.
Dr Rangana Rupavi Choudhuri (PhD)
P.S. Want to discover if EFT Tapping is right for you? Book a Complimentary Discovery Call.
How To Self-Heal & Become An EFT Practitioner
Discover how EFT Tapping can help you to self-heal or to become professionally qualified as a Certified EFT Practitioner. Emotional Freedom Techniques (Tapping) is clinically proven to lower stress, tension, anxiety, past trauma to enable health, happiness and vitality.
In summary, procrastination is highly existential in that it raises questions about individual agency and how we wish to spend our time versus how we really do. You can always conquer procrastination by recognising or acknowledging it, or even better, by using EFT Tapping. You can clear the root problem and achieve focus via EFT. In the future, do what is best for you.
Disclaimer: The information on this website is purely for educational purposes and does not in any way replace the requirement for medical and psychological diagnosis and treatment. Please seek professional medical and psychological diagnosis and advice for all medical and mental health conditions. It is advised to always book any consultations with qualified professionals.
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