
EFT Tapping Certification Course

Emotional Freedom Techniques, EFT, is now used worldwide by millions and clears emotional stress and upsets. The technique is clinically proven to lower stress, anxiety, tension, fears, depression and past negativity to enable health, happiness and vitality.


#Free Book

Heal Your Emotions To Heal Your Life

Learn what is the EFT and the 7 steps to clear stress, tension and anxiety to feel calm, relaxed and at peace, along with science and clinical proof of EFT.

EFT Masterclass Website Thumbnails; EFT Tapping Course

#Free Talk

Complimentary EFT Masterclass

Learn what is EFT and how can it help to relieve stress, tension, negativity to feel healthy, happy, and at peace.

EFT Freedom Tapathon; EFT Training course

#Self Healing

EFT Freedom Tapathon

Release doubt, past negativity to tap into healing, self love and peace. 


EFT Tapping course, EFT Training course


Body Vitality - Weight Loss & Body Confidence Program

Learn how to lose weight to become naturally slim, trim and fit without a strict diet or brutal exercise routine in sight, while increasing body confidence, self esteem and self image in a 12 week BODY VITALITY program.

EFT Practitioner training



EFT Practitioner Training

Become an EFT Practitioner: Empower you and your client to heal, grow, and transform.





EFT Mastery Program  - Package

Make a difference to the lives of others and earn a living. Become an EFT Practitioner, Inner Child Matrix Practitioner & EFT Advanced Practitioner.





EFT Inner Transformation Program  - Package

Make a difference to the lives of others and earn a living. Become an EFT Practitioner, Inner Child Matrix Practitioner & EFT Advanced Practitioner.




Inner Child Matrix Practitioner   

Let go of stress and tension with EFT and heal from within with Inner Child Matrix Training.

Leave feeling healed and transformed from within. 



EFT Advanced Practitioner 

Unleash your therapist within and help your clients get fast therapeutic results. 



EFT Master Practitioner 

Become a master at your craft getting to the heart of any issue quickly and clearing it swiftly. 



EFT Practitioner Mentoring & Supervision 

For those on the Practitioner track to complete your supervision hours with regards client work via on-line or live in person seminars


EFT Advanced Practitioner Mentoring & Supervision 

For those on the Practitioner track to complete your supervision hours with regards client work via on-line or live in person seminars



EFT Ambassador

Spread the word about EFT, grow your private practice and facilitate free of charge introductory seminars.



EFT Facilitator

Facilitate EFT introductory self help workshops and seminars to groups in colleges, hospitals and companies. More. 







EFT Presenter

Master sales, marketing and business skills to have a thriving private practice and training business.







EFT  Trainer

Deliver EFT seminars and workshops with specific themes and trainings to certify all levels of practitioners.




EFT Business Mastery

Master sales, marketing and business skills to have a thriving private practice and training business.

Clinical Studies for EFT

EFT is clinically proven to reduce stress, pain, depression, phobias, exam nerves, performance anxiety, addictions and weight to create wealth, happiness and vitality. For a full list of all the clinical studies, reviews and published papers. More


“As a practicing psychiatrist with over 25 years of clinical experience, I see EFT as the most promising new treatment I’ve ever encountered…”

Eric Leskowitz - M.D. Director of Integrative Medicine Task Force, Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital

“EFT produces great healing benefit”

Deepak Chopra - MD, Author, Mind body spirit Expert

“Have you tried Tapping? I truly believe that it is a wonderful and life-changing tool. If you’re not familiar with the technique, it is a wonderful tool that works on a variety of issues, from pain relief, physical issues, and weight loss to attracting abundance, clearing limiting beliefs and healing the past.Tapping is a powerful tool that can truly heal, allowing forgiveness, love, and acceptance into your life, particularly when used along with affirmations.”

Louise Hay - author ‘You Can Heal Your Life’

“Put away your skepticism, this really works. I have … had great results with tapping in my own life”

Dr. Wayne W. Dyer - Author of ‘Wishes Fulfilled’

“I’ve used Tapping for years and highly recommend it!”

Joe Vitale - Author and one of the stars in “The Secret

“EFT is easy, effective, and produces amazing results. I think it should be taught in elementary school”

Donna Eden - Author ‘Energy Medicine’

“I frequently use EFT with my patients with great results”

Eric Robbins - MD

“By removing emotional trauma EFT helps physical symptoms too”

Norman Shealy - MD

“I have been Tapping for years and have found it to be a pivotal tool in creating the life of my dreams. This information is essential if you want to live your best life!”

Jack Canfield - Co-author of the “Chicken Soup for the Soul” series and one of the stars in “The Secret”

“EFT is a simple, powerful process that can profoundly influence gene activity, health and behavior. What’s interesting about EFT is that it is a process that really, in some sense engages… like super learning. And super learning is like pushing the record button on the subconscious mind.”

Bruce Lipton - Author of “The Biology of Belief”

“EFT is destined to be the top healing tool for the 21st century.”

Cheryl Richardson - Author ‘Take time for your life’

We have now trained over 4000 people in EFT in UK, Europe, USA & India. We have people who come because they want to learn the technique for themselves to feel more vibrant, healthy and fulfilled, or to become a Practitioner and share it with others.
