Enable Lasting Transformations With Real & Rapid Breakthroughs In Health, Love, Money, Career And Spirituality.
Help yourself and others relieve stress, tension, past trauma, and sabotage patterns to enable health, happiness, confidence, wholeness and peace.
Whether you are an experienced therapist or are new to the field of mental health, therapy and healing this program is for you.
EFT has been clinically proven to lower stress, anxiety, tension, and depression to enable health, happiness and vitality.
With the Inner Transformation Program you will learn how to:
- Eliminate stress, physical tension, pain and cravings to create health, happiness and vitality;
- Gain emotional freedom by making peace with the past hurt and discomfort;
- Feel more in control of your life with emotional balance and peace of mind;
- Get to the root cause of powerlessness and trauma;
- Be able to heal allergies, pain, addictions, weight issues, sexual abuse, depression and anxiety;
- Eradicate past limitations to create a compelling future;
- Create empowering beliefs to overcome physical and emotional issues;
- Resolve childhood and birth related challenges;
- Conduct one to one professional emotional well-being therapy sessions with client's.
In just 47 days you will complete the following courses:
EFT Practitioner
EFT, aka Tapping, is a therapy to release tension, stress and pain to feel healthy & happy
Lowers stress and past negativity in seconds
The benefits experienced from the EFT Practitioner Training:
Eliminating physical pain
Weight Loss
Overcoming illness
Stoping cravings
Defeating phobias
Speaking with ease in public
Combating past trauma
Letting go of stress and anxiety
Helping children thrive at school
Parents help their children heal
Increase high fee-paying clients
ICM Practitioner
ICM, developed by Dr Rangana Rupavi Choudhuri (PhD) is a healing method for real and rapid results.
Manifest real and rapid changes on all areas of life
The benefits experienced from the ICM Practitioner Training:
Healed from mushroom allergies
Stopped taking depression medication
Reversed thyroid imbalance
Made peace with past rage
Found her life's purpose
Overcame phobia to frogs
Honed my intuition
Awakened to her true Self
Gets faster results with patients
Improved her RELATIONSHIP with her mother
Found my clarity and healed with my mother
You Will Learn How To Help Yourself And Your Clients To:
Those who attend training experience healing, personal transformation, and positive changes.
Our qualifying EFT Practitioners get higher fee-paying client’s as a result of the faster results.
The benefits include but are certainly not limited to:
- Eliminating physical pain - Dr Rajesh CM's back pain disappeared after a 20 mins and one year later he was still pain-free;
- Weight Loss - After years of trying, Avni Radia's became motivated to stick to a health plan and lost 20 kg in weight;
- Overcoming illness - Sejal Mehta's 7 month old chronic muscle pain (fibromyalgia) disappeared by Day 2 of the seminar;
- Stopping cravings - Working mom Emma Voss overcame her chocolate and biscuit cravings and dropped a dress size;
- Defeating phobias - Marie Christie and Nihal Masarathulla, cured their phobias of closed spaces (claustrophobia);
- Speaking with ease in public - Michael Sciaraffa and Ashish Piyasi overcame their fear of public speaking;
- Combating past trauma - Yoga Teacher Sadhana Batouri made peace with her past experiences in Iraq;
- Letting go of stress and anxiety - Sreekumar Rajagopalan let go of emotional pain and could breathe easily after 28 years;
- Helping children thrive at school- Psychotherapist Nalini Kannan found that children lose their negative thoughts and beliefs;
- Parents help their children heal - Davinder Kaur Anand helped her son to overcome a learning difficulty;
- Increase high fee-paying clients - Corporate Trainer Neeraj Kumar gets faster results with his executive clients;
- Earn a living as a Practitioner - Jayant Pawar doubled his fee paying client’s as a result of adding EFT to his offering;
- Therapists get quicker patient results - Psychotherapist Father Leo finds faster results with EFT versus traditional therapy.
Client's Negative Emotions are Released Much Faster
EFT is a great therapy in itself. It is quick as it works by balancing the client's energy system. Negative emotions are released much faster and through a safe mechanism, which provides the client much relief in just a couple of sessions. I have been using it with my clients and all of them have found it to be an effective technique; most of them see immediate results. It is highly recommended.
All the training courses are highly interactive with live demonstrations, practice sessions and experiential
learning that means each person will leave knowing the technique inside out and
able to use with ease and confidence the very next day.
Live Demonstrations
Practice Sessions
Experiential Learning
Relaxation Sessions
Physical Transformations
Emotional Transformations
Fears And Phobias Eliminated
Cravings Eliminated & Weight Loss
Dr Rangana Rupavi Choudhuri (PhD) is founder of Vitality living College and EFT Accredited Master Trainer of Trainers.
Dr Choudhuri has shared EFT & ICM with thousands of clients worldwide resulting in healing from depression, physical pain, cravings, overweight, heart-break, grief, anger, fear and stress to create happiness, health and vitality.
She is passionate about health, peak performance and spirituality and is a dynamic and engaging speaker delivering quick and lasting results.
How To Get Certified As An EFT Practitioner
EFT Certified Practitioner Certificate is awarded on successful completion of the following within one year of attending training:
- Attendance of EFT Foundational and EFT Practitioner Training;
- Pre-certification mentoring and supervision (27 hours included)
- 6 case studies, minimum of an hour length, on 2 clients written up in the required format totalling 12 sessions;
- 6 case study sessions written up, as self help so that you are clear on what it takes to self apply EFT;
- Submission of 50 practice hours of one-to-one sessions with a minimum of 20 clients;
- An open book multiple-choice exam;
- 1 page write up about your personal EFT Journey from attending the initial training to submitting you case studies and must include your reflections from the one to one professional sessions.
- Submission of one, 1 hour, video of giving a session to your client with a transcript and an audit of your learnings and reflections;
- Personal development log of attendance of the training;
Submission of your continuing professional development & Mentoring/Supervision hours record log sheet; - Commitment to completing the annual requirement of continuing professional development, supervision hours, and adhering to the code of conduct as part of the certification renewal process.
How To Get Certified As An INNER CHILD MATRIX Practitioner
ICM Practitioner Certificate is awarded on successful completion of the following within one year of attending training:
- Attendance of ICM Foundational, Practitioner & Completion days Training;
- Pre-certification mentoring and supervision (13.5 hours included);
- 3 case studies, minimum of an hour and half length, on 2 clients written up in the required format totalling 6 sessions;
- 1 page write up about your personal ICM Journey from attending the initial training to submitting you case studies and must include your reflections from the one to one professional sessions;
- Submission of one, 1 hour, video of giving a session to your client with a transcript and an audit of your learnings and reflections;
- Personal development log of attendance of the training;
- Submission of your continuing professional development & Mentoring/Supervision hours record log sheet;
- Commitment to completing the annual requirement of continuing professional development, supervision hours, and adhering to the code of conduct as part of the certification renewal process.
- Become a Certified EFT Practitioner.
For those who are already EFT Practitioners, ICM Practitioner Certification is provided at the end of successfully completing all the other requirements.
You will be awarded an EFT International Practitioner Certificate & will have an to option to be independently accredited by the EFT International too.
As training is being conducted by EFT International Master Trainer of Trainers, Dr Rangana Rupavi Choudhuri (PhD), you are eligible to apply to become an Accredited practitioner with the independent organisation EFT International, formerly AAMET (Association of the Advancement of Meridian Therapies).
Additional charges apply for the online exam and registration on the EFT International site. There is a special code for India for 50% off the full pricing which is provided on completing the course.
EFT Practitioner Training (Level 1 & 2) Certification
Trainer: Dr Rangana Rupavi Choudhuri (PhD)
Training Days & Dates:
- EFT Foundational: 23rd - 27th February 2025 (Monday - Thursday), 2nd March 2025 (Sunday)
- EFT Practitioner: 3rd - 6th March 2025 (Monday - Thursday), 9th - 12th March 2025 (Sunday - Wednesday)
- EFT Completion Days: TBD
- EFT Supervision & Mentoring: 13th March (Thursday), 16th March - 20th March 2025 (Sunday - Thursday)
- 9 am - 1.30 pm GMT UK
- 4 am - 8.30 am EST/ 5 am - 9.30 am EDT (From 9th March 2025 timing moves 1 hour forward) US
- 10 am - 2.30 pm CET EU
- 4 pm - 8.30 pm ICT Thailand
- 1 pm - 5.30 pm GST UAE
- 11 am - 3.30 pm EET Egypt
- 12 pm - 4.30 pm AST Saudi Arabia
- 5 pm - 9.30 pm SGT Singapore
- 7 pm - 11.30 pm AEST Australia
- 2.30 pm - 7 pm IST India/ Sri Lanka
ICM Practitioner Certification
Trainer: Dr Rangana Rupavi Choudhuri (PhD)
Training Days & Dates:
- Inner Child Matrix Foundational: 3rd – 4th, 10th – 11th, 17th – 18th & 24th – 25th May 2025 (Saturday – Sunday)
- Inner Child Matrix Practitioner Days: 31st May – 1st June, 7th – 8th, 14th – 15th & 21st – 22nd June 2025 (Saturday – Sunday)
- Inner Child Completion Days: 28th – 29th June & 5th – 6th July 2025 (Saturday – Sunday)
- Inner Child Matrix Supervision & Mentoring: 12th, 19th & 26th July 2025 (Saturday)
- 10 am - 2.30 pm BST UK
- 5 - 9.30 am EDT US
- 11 am - 3.30 pm CEST EU
- 4 - 8.30 pm ICT Thailand
- 1 - 5.30 pm GST UAE
- 12 - 4.30 pm EEST Egypt
- 12 - 4.30 pm AST Saudi Arabia
- 5 - 9.30 pm SGT Singapore
- 7 - 11.30 pm AEST Australia
- 2.30 - 7 pm IST India / Sri Lanka
What's Included In The Inner Child TRANSFORMATION PROGRAM
Certification Process & Mentoring Day
The EFT Certification* includes:
- 27 hours of pre-certification supervision and mentoring;
- Full review and assessment of case studies and practice sessions
The Supervision/Mentoring day includes discussion about:
- Client sessions, challenges faced and success
- Certification process
- Setting up, marketing and growing your private practise
*Certification is awarded on successful completion the case studies, practice sessions, professional development, mentoring hours and training.
Overview of the ICM Program
During the program you will learn how to:
- Get to the root cause of powerlessness and trauma.
- Clear shock as a result of trauma.
- Combine the law of attraction with EFT.
- Change past limitations to create a compelling future.
- Create empowering beliefs to transform past and current issues rapidly.
- Learn how to create fulfilment in health, relationship, financial, career and spiritual areas of life.
- Discover your life's purpose and embed it into the future.
- Resolve childhood and birth related challenge.
ICM Foundational Training curriculum includes:
Part 1: Introduction to ICM
- What is Inner Child Matrix ?
- The science behind Inner Child Matrix
- Clearing past negativity, helplessness and trauma
Part 2: Healing past memories gently
- How to safely uncover past memories
- How to gently clear many memories at once
- How to discover forgotten and pre-consciousness memories
Part 3: How reverse the impact of limiting beliefs
- The different ways of uncovering beliefs
- Clearing the root cause of limits
- Embedding empowering beliefs
Part 4: How to heal trauma, powerlessness & helplessness
- The steps to cleaning trauma
- Uncovering he moment before trauma
- The freeze response and how to clear shock from trauma
ICM Practitioner Training curriculum includes:
Part 1: Health & Wellness
- The importance of the heart and quantum physics
- Transforming beliefs for mental health
- Clearing health issues to enable wellness, e.g. PCOS, Thyroid, Allergies
- Transforming habits and past shock
Part 2: Relationships
- Making peace with any relationship challenges
- Resolving family conflicts
- Manifesting even more fulfilling relationships
- Free oneself from verbal, physical and sexual abuse
Part 3: Finances & Career
- Uncovering financial and career limits
- Manifesting money with ease and power
- Using Inner Child Matrix with real issues
- Clearing future worries and anxiety to feel calm
Part 4: Life Purpose
- Discover your Life's purpose
- Clear birth related challenges
- Manifesting the future now
ICM Certification Training curriculum includes:
Part 1: Supervision & Mentoring
- How to attract clients, without being salesy
- The intake process
- Conducting a consultation call
- End to end therapy
Part 2: Senior Practitioner
- 1 consultation call
- 3 rebirthing and life's purpose sessions
- 1 mentoring sessions
Part 3: Case study review
- Detailed review of the case studies
- Mentoring on improvement areas
Part 4: Online support
- Get your questions answered on the group
- Mentor support
- Peer to peer support
I know you will love this program so much that you will feel lighter and happier, with a sense of freedom. Freedom to be you. Freedom to soar. Freedom to live life on your terms. Your clients will be so happy, that they will refer more clients to you.
I am waiting for you with open arms, ready to welcome you on this life changing transformational journey.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I become Certified as an EFT Practitioner?
Can I take on clients immediately after the EFT Program?
How can EFT benefit me?
How does EFT work?
Is there after program support in case I have any doubts or questions?
I don’t have time to attend these sessions every day. Will these sessions be recorded?
How much time will I need to dedicate?
Is the online program as effective as the face to face program?
I have so many issues in my life, health, love and money can this program benefit me?
Do you have a refund policy, if I am not satisfied with the program?
Will this program impede on my own religious beliefs?
Will this process of transformation and self-healing ever finish?
After I complete EFT Practitioner training what career scope do I have?
After I complete EFT Practitioner Training what other courses can I do to advance my skills?
I have a different career path, will EFT come in the way of my current career?
How can I become an EFT Accredited Practitioner with EFT International ?
Feel Happy & Healthy
Make a difference
Earn a living
Become professionally certified
Cannot make Inner Transformation Program?
Sign up for a "FREE" Booklet on how EFT and how healing your emotions, heals your life.
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