
EFT Certification

Vitality Living College certifies and accredits EFT Practitioners, Advanced Practitioners, Ambassadors, Facilitators and trainers under the supervision of Master Trainer of Trainers Dr Rangana Rupavi Choudhuri (PhD). 

All those who are awarded certification have completed the necessary requirements and been and have signed up to mandatory continuing professional development (includes mentoring and supervision hours) as well as code of conduct and ethics.

How to get Certified as an EFT Practitioner

EFT Certified Practitioner Certificate is awarded on successful completion of the following within one year of attending training:

  • Attendance of EFT Foundational and EFT Practitioner Training;
  • Pre-certification mentoring and supervision (27 hours included);
  • An open book multiple-choice exam;
  • Submission of 50 practice hours of one-to-one sessions with a minimum of 20 clients;
  • 6 case studies, minimum of an hour length, on 2 clients written up in the required format totaling 12 sessions; 
  • 6 case study sessions written up, as self help so that you are clear on what it takes to self apply EFT; 
  • 1 page write up about your personal EFT Journey from attending the initial training to submitting you case studies and must include your reflections from the one to one professional sessions;
  • Submission of one video of giving a session to your client; 
  • Submission of your continuing professional development & Mentoring/Supervision hours record log sheet
  • Commitment to completing the annual requirement of continuing professional development, supervision hours, and adhering to the code of conduct as part of the certification renewal process.
  • You will be awarded an EFT International EFT Practitioner Certificate & will have an to option to be independently accredited by the EFT International too.


    ICM Practitioner Certificate is awarded on successful completion of the following within one year of attending training:

    • Attendance of ICM Foundational, Practitioner & Completion days Training;
    • Pre-certification mentoring and supervision (13.5 hours included);
    • 1 page write up about your personal ICM Journey from attending the initial training to submitting you case studies and must include your reflections from the one to one professional sessions;
    • Submission of one, 1 hour,  video of giving a session to your client with a transcript and an audit of your learnings and reflections; 
    • Personal development log of attendance of the training;
    • Submission of your continuing professional development & Mentoring/Supervision hours record log sheet;
    • Commitment to completing the annual requirement of continuing professional development, supervision hours, and adhering to the code of conduct as part of the certification renewal process.
    • Become a Certified EFT Practitioner.

    For those who are already EFT Practitioners, ICM Practitioner Certification is provided at the end of successfully completing all the other requirements.  


    ICM Practitioner & EFT Fast Track Practitioner Certificate is awarded on successful completion of the following within one year of attending training:

    • Attendance of EFT Fast Track Foundational & Practitioner with the video on with full presence.
    • Attendance of ICM Foundational, Practitioner and Completion days Training with the video on with full presence.
    • Attendance of pre-certification Supervision and Mentoring (27 hours included) with the video on with full presence.
    • 6 case studies on 2 clients, written up totaling 12 sessions.
    • 6 case study sessions written up, so that you can self apply EFT / ICM. 
    • 50 practice hours of one-to-one sessions with a minimum of 20 clients.
    • An open book multiple-choice exam.
    • 1 page write up about your personal ICM Journey.
    • Submission of one, 1 hour,  video of giving a session to your client.
    • Personal development log of attendance of the training.
    • Submission of your continuing professional development & Mentoring/Supervision hours record log sheet.
    • 9 therapy sessions with a Senior Practitioner and 6 mentoring sessions with a Senior Mentor.
    • Commitment to completing the annual requirement of continuing professional development, supervision hours, and adhering to the code of conduct as part of the certification renewal process.

    Pre-requisites: There are no requirements prior to attending, other than the course being conducted in English, so a basic understanding of English is necessary.

    ICM Practitioner & EFT Fast Track Practitioner Certificate for one to one therapy (not for group work) is provided at the end of successfully completing all the requirements. Certified EFT Practitioner or Clinical EFT Practitioner is not included. The training needs to be attended with the video on, which means you will need a stable internet connection with no distractions.

    How to get Certified as an EFT Advanced Practitioner

    EFT Certified Advanced Practitioner Certificate is awarded on successful completion of the following within one year of attending training:

    • The  EFT Advanced Practitioner training;
    • The pre-certification supervision (min 27 hours included);
    • An open book multiple-choice exam;
    • 50 practice hours of one-to-one sessions with a minimum of 20 clients;
    • Submission of 18 case studies with intake forms of minimum one hour each (6 sessions per client);
    • Submission of 6 case studies on self or with another practitioner/swap sessions (our EFT Advanced Practitioners have offered to provided sessions at 50% off their full price - please be in touch with us to get you connected)
    • Submission of a video with transcript of using the EFT 3 skills is required.
    • one page review of your EFT Journey, aka Practice Review;
    • Commitment to continuing professional development (CPD), supervision/mentoring hours, and code of conduct;
    • Keep an annual log of the CPD and supervision/mentoring hours with trainer;
    • Re-attend EFT Advanced Practitioner Training as a review student/assist team before being awarded EFT Advanced Practitioner

    You will be awarded an EFT International EFT Advanced Practitioner Certificate & will have to option to be independently accredited by the EFT International too.

    How to get Certified as an EFT TRAINER

    EFT Trainer Certification requirements:

    Each EFT trainer is mentored by Master Trainer Dr Rangana Rupavi Choudhuri (PhD) and the training program can vary based on your circumstance, experience and competencies.

    The very first steps are to submit you:

    • EFT Trainer application
    • Continuing professional development log for the last 3 years
    • Self assessment of the EFT competencies
    • Log of annual practice sessions for the last 3 years (minimum 50 on 20 different clients)
    • 3 testimonials from clients
    • Submit one video of facilitating an introduction to EFT

    Upon receipt a one to one on-line or face to face conversation will be set up and a customised plan drawn up, which may include:

    • Attendance of 7 days intensive EFT Trainers Training
    • Attending EFT Practitioner and Advanced Practitioner as a Trainer in training and Assist team member
    • A one page write up of how EFT has helped you and the reason you want to be an EFT Trainer
    • An example of a case study for each of the EFT techniques in Level 1 and 2 (for example, tell the story, physical tension, movie technique, limiting beliefs, fears and phobias, surrogate work, working with either animals/children
    • A business plan, which includes vision to action, marketing plan and training plan, i.e how many trainings do you plan to deliver in a year and in which locations
    • A one page EFT flyer for your free introductory training courses and either themed or Practitioner seminars
    • Your annual plan on continuing professional development, supervision and mentoring hours
    • Signing up to the Trainers code of conduct and conduct
    • Review of a home study manual and completion of a multiple choice exam
    • Demonstrating the key competencies required as an EFT Trainer
    • Committing to 6 supervision sessions within the first year of being awarded Provisional Trainer

    When you are ready to start trainer, provisional trainer is initially awarded for the first year and a minimum of 3 three day training programs need to be completed along with attendance of 6 one hour supervision sessions. At the end of the year EFT Certified Trainer is awarded.


    EFT Ambassador

    For those who want to become an Ambassador for Vitality living College, once you become qualified as an EFT Practitioner, we provide you with a free training on how to introduce EFT to potential clients in order to get fee paying clients as well as introducing EFT to potential students who may want to learn EFT with Vitality Living College.

    All we ask is to conduct 3 free introductions to EFT as your service to local communities and provide the attendees contact details. A token gift of 10% is offered for anyone who comes on the course. All you need to do is get us in touch with those who want to join the training.


    EFT International Accreditation

    Dr Rangana Rupavi Choudhuri (PhD) is an Accredited Master Trainer of Trainers with EFT International and goes through a reassessment every 3 years as well as completes the required annual supervision and mentoring. She is thorough in her training and is committed to upholding the highest standards for herself, students and trainers.

    EFT International is a Voluntary Organisation (VO O/400) that was founded in 1999 and are an international organisation that have set the standards of training, safeguards for the public and rule for ethical practice.

    Following the award of EFT Practitioner certification from a Vitality Living College Certified EFT Trainer, students are eligible to apply to become an EFT International Accredited EFT Practitioner. 6 hours supervision will need to be completed with EFT International accredited Master Trainer of Trainers, Dr Rangana Rupavi Choudhuri (PhD) and an on-line exam. Additional charges will apply for the supervision, on-line exam and registration on the EFT International site.

    Following the award of EFT Advanced Practitioner certification from a Certified EFT International (Association of the Advancement of Meridian Therapies) & Vitality Living College Master Trainer of Trainers, students are eligible to register with EFT International as an Accredited Certified EFT Advanced Practitioner. The EFT Practitioner exam will need to be completed on-line and payment made directly to the EFT International as well as commitment and sign-up to the EFT International Code of Ethics, on-going supervision and mentoring and CPD to maintain registration.

    Adhering to the highest standards


    Discover how EFT can help you to self heal or to become professionally qualified as a Certified EFT Practitioner. Emotional Freedom Techniques (tapping) is clinically proven to lower stress, tension, anxiety, past-trauma to enable health, happiness and vitality.
