Healing Edema And Fibromyalgia Pain With EFT Practitioner Training
Healing Edema and Fibromyalgia Pain with EFT Tapping
"The long-term pain suffered by suppressing emotions is far greater than the short-term pain of confronting them.”
- Sam Owen
Most of the pain that we experience is rooted deep in our brains — be it mental or physical. These can be influenced by our mental attitude and emotions.
The mechanics of these mind-body links are still a question for mankind. But what’s already been proven is that our brain becomes a key element in our experience of physical pain.
Whatever you think, you become.
For instance, if you’re suffering from acute pain in your muscles or bones like edema or arthritis, how long do you think it will take to heal? Months or even years, and for some cases, there’s no cure at all.
But Sejal Mehta, an ace Trainer and Therapist, had a different experience that made her heal her 7- 8 months long acute pain caused by edema and fibromyalgia in just a day!
This was only possible for her because of the EFT Tapping Practitioner Training.

She explains with great enthusiasm:
“The last 2 days of attending EFT Training has brought huge physiological, temperamental and attitudinal changes in my life. I have not only become sympathetic, but more empathetic towards everyone. For 7-8 months, I was suffering from edema and fibromyalgia which, in simple words, can be explained as a debilitating pain that can take years to heal. But the pain somehow, disappeared miraculously after attending only 2 days of EFT Training! That night, I finally managed to sleep peacefully after months of painful nights.”
Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT): EFT Tapping for healing Edema and Fibromyalgia Pain.
Step 1:
First Use EFT Tapping On What It Feels Like To Feel The Pain
Explore the physical sensations in the body associated with the pain, and use the physical tension tapping process to reduce the sensations.
Then use the EFT Tapping Points Process taught in detail during EFT Practitioner Training Online.
To get started, begin by investigating the physical nature of pain.
Connect with the pain and notice where you feel it in the body. Then use the EFT Tapping for Physical Tension taught in detail during the EFT Practitioner Training to clear the surface feelings and feel calmer.
Briefly, you can begin by asking yourself the following questions to explore further:
- Where in the body do you experience the pain?
- What is the colour, texture, size, and shape of the pain in the body?
- What are the sensations like? For example rough or smooth?
Then measure the level of pain by asking:
"What number is the pain at, where 10 is really high and 1 is not high at all." Just go with whatever comes up spontaneously, without thinking too much about it.
Begin by Tapping on the Karate Chop or Side of the Hand EFT Tapping Points:
"Even though I feel the pain and I feel it in my [part of the body where there is pain] and it is at a number 6 and it's red in colour and it feels rough, I deeply and completely love and accept myself." (Repeat 3 times).
Then Tap on the facial and upper body EFT Tapping Points using these phrases:
- Eyebrow: This pain...
- side Of the Eye: So painful...
- Under the eye: Pain in my chest..
- Under the nose: It's a red colour...
- Chin: At a number 6...
- Collarbone: So rough...
- Under the arm: This pain...
- Thumb: I feel it in my chest...
- Index Finger: So painful...
- Middle Finger: Really painful...
- Little Finger: The colour red...
Close the sequence by coming back to the EFT Karate Chop Tapping Points and repeat once:
"Even though I feel painful and I feel it in my chest and it's at a number 6 and it's red in colour and it feels rough, I deeply and completely love and accept myself."
Take a gentle breath in and out, and take a sip of water.
At the end of the EFT Tapping , you can ask yourself the following questions:
- What number is the pain at now?
- What happened?
- How does it make you feel?
You can repeat this process by going back to Step 1 if you feel like, the number could come down a little more.
Step 2:
Then Discover Past Experiences Of Feeling painful And Clear Them
Explore memories related to the physical tension and use the 'Tell the Story' & the 'Movie Technique' to clear it.
To uncover the memories linked to the symptoms of edema and fibromyalgia, you can ask questions like:
- When have you felt these sensations before?
- What do these sensations remind you of?
- When did the sensations start? What happened?
- Was there ever a time when you did not experience these symptoms?
- What can trigger and bring on the symptoms?
Identify the past events linked to the feeling of this pain and resolve it with the help of tapping therapy.
You can ask the following questions:
- When have you felt the pain before?
- What happens to trigger the pain?
- Who or what, triggers the feeling of pain?
These questions will identify your past experiences associated with the pain.
Step 3:
Explore Any Limiting Beliefs That Prevented You From Being pain-free
Limiting beliefs are thoughts that can be conscious or unconscious, and can end up becoming responsible for self-sabotage, procrastination and low self-esteem, in an individual.
For pain, first uncover the limiting beliefs which can either be at the surface level, or associated with the deeper root memories. Then shift them from stressful to empowering. For example,
- “Something bad is going to happen” to “Everything is going to be OK"
- "I am not safe" to "I am safe now."
Step 4:
Close With Positive EFT Tapping For healing pain:
Examples of a positive tapping sequence might be:
- “Even though I felt painful earlier, now I am open to feeling pain free.”
- “Even though I was living with this pain for many months, now I open myself to the possibility of being pain free."
Everything that we experience on a daily basis is the result of our emotional health. If we start working on our emotional health, our physical health will take care of itself.
By looking deep within yourself, you will find the cure to all the problems that you have been carrying with you.
P.S. Want to discover if EFT Tapping is right for you? Book a Complimentary Discovery Call.
How To Self-Heal & Become An EFT Practitioner
Discover how EFT Tapping can help you to self-heal or to become professionally qualified as a Certified EFT Practitioner. Emotional Freedom Techniques (Tapping) is clinically proven to lower stress, tension, anxiety, and past trauma to enable health, happiness and vitality.
In summary, Emotional Freedom Techniques can be used to heal acute pain by improving the mental and emotional state of your body. The results can be seen after just a single session.
Disclaimer: The information on this website is purely for educational purposes and does not in any way replace the requirement for medical and psychological diagnosis with the requisite treatment. Please do seek a professional medical and psychological diagnosis with professional advice for all medical and mental health conditions. It is advised to always book any consultations with qualified professionals.
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