
How Does EFT Tapping Help In Melting Worry?


EFT Tapping For Melting Worry 

Most of us tend to worry about something or the other in life. Especially after the onset of Covid-19 pandemic, many of us have become more prone to worrying about the health and safety of ourselves and our loved ones. This blog explores the reasons why we worry, and how can we use EFT Tapping for melting worry.

Do you often find yourself wondering how will things pan out in the future?

Do you ever feel like you’re stuck in a never-ending cycle of worry?

Having worries, doubts and insecurities is completely normal and it's natural to worry about the various aspects of life; getting paid, a job interview, a first date, a court case, getting married, and what not.

Most of us experience so many thoughts full of worry in our day-to-day life. “Am I going to make it?”, “Am I going to get the money I want?”, “Will I be able to perform well at the job interview?”, “Would she like me on our first date? “Will I look okay? Will everything be okay?”

Worry is a normal part of life and is simply an emotion, associated with wanting to give your best, wanting to do your best, and wanting everything to turn out well.

But “normal” worry becomes abnormal when it becomes excessive, persistent and uncontrollable.

If you tend to think too much about “what if’s” and worst-case scenarios, and you can’t get anxious thoughts out of your head, if the voice inside your head talks too often about all that could go wrong (even when everything seems okay), then this may be interfering with your daily life and may need help.

My dad used to tell me, “Hurry and Worry makes Curry.” The curry means mess; a mess of everything.

Worrying is carrying tomorrow's load with today's strength- carrying two days at once. It is moving into tomorrow ahead of time. Worrying doesn't empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength”.

Corrie Ten Boom


Worrying is a way of thinking about the future in a way that leaves you feeling anxious or apprehensive (1).

Here are a few symptoms to check if you or someone you know is going through excessive worrying:

  • Negative Thinking
  • Restless and Jumpy
  • Insomnia
  • Headaches
  • Moodiness
  • Stomach Problems
  • Muscle Tension
  • Difficulty Concentrating
  • Poor Memory
  •  Inability to Take Decisions
Worry_Emotional Freedom Techniques


Human beings have the unique ability to live in psychological time. It means that we can easily recall our past experiences and live them again in our mind. Similarly, we can mentally simulate future events as well.

As humans, our main problem is this; that we either spend our time thinking about the events have already happened or imagining what could happen next. We are constantly disconnected from what is happening in our lives, in the present moment.

The renowned author and spiritual teacher, Eckhart Tolle has quoted this so simply, “All negativity is caused by an accumulation of psychological time and denial of the present. Unease, anxiety, tension, stress, worry - all forms of fear - are caused by too much future, and not enough presence. Guilt, regret, resentment, grievances, sadness, bitterness, and all forms of nonforgiveness are caused by too much past, and not enough presence.”

Hence, one of the main reasons for worry is our habit of constantly thinking about the future and inability to remain in the ‘now’.

Another reason why we worry is our need for certainty and control. We have this innate need to know everything, as it gives a sense of security and certainty. But as the future is uncertain, we feel worried because we don’t feel secure.

Some people, though rare, don't have this need for sense of security or certainty, and hence feel less worried. They may have a human need for variety and may usually have an attitude of risk taking.

They enjoy the ebb and flow in life and may find the uncertainty of life to be thrilling.

If a problem is fixable, if a situation is such that you can do something about it, then there is no need to worry. If it's not fixable, then there is no help in worrying. There is no benefit in worrying whatsoever”.

Dalai Lama XIV

Some of the daily life causes of worry are:

  • Finances and Money
  • Health
  • Relationship issues
  • Fear of losing something/someone important to us
  • Fear of the unknown
  • Fear of not being able to be successful
  • Thinking of what others will think of us
  • Particular situations like presentations, job interviews, and exams.

New to EFT? Learn how Emotional Freedom Technique Tapping heals.

Emotional Freedom Techniques (tapping) is clinically proven to lower stress, tension, anxiety, past-trauma to enable health, happiness and vitality.




Worry is what happens when your mind dwells on repetitive, obsessive negative thoughts, uncertain outcomes or things that could go wrong. It’s one of the cognitive symptoms of anxiety. In simple terms, worry happens only in the mind, not in the body (2).


On the other hand, stress is a physiological response connected to an external event. Stress is a result of an external situation and not just situations created in the mind, as in case of worry. Some kind of external circumstance, like a work deadline or a scary medical test, may trigger stress (2).



Anxiety is the mother of all. Stress and worry are simply the symptoms of anxiety. Anxiety can be experienced in the mind as well as the body, as it has a cognitive element (worry) and physiological response (stress). Anxiety is experienced as a result o dealing with a lot of worries and stress (2). 


Dealing with worry is like dealing with a stubborn little child. No matter how much you try, it refuses to stay still. But that doesn’t mean we let the child cry and continue with tantrums. Gradually, we find a way to calm them down.

Similarly, we need to calm down our mind in order for worry to go away. Here are a few things to do to keep worries at bay:


Practice Mindfulness 

Worry is caused by the need to anticipate future events. But when we are focused on the present moment, there is no place for worry. Our tendency to live in the past and the future is root of so many problems.

If we shift our attention to this very moment, there is no worry, no fear. Staying mindful simply means being completely present in the moment.

Meditation, Yoga and Journaling are some things that you can make a part of your daily routine, to help you spend a few mindful moments every day. 

With consistent practice, your overall level of mindfulness will improve, leading you to peace and happiness.


Block Negativity

Every morning as soon as we wake up, the first thing we do is either check our mobile phone or read the newspaper. 

The news are majorly filled with sad and tragic events that happen around us, and repeatedly consuming such negative stuff makes our mind focus more on the all the things that could go wrong with us and increases our tendency to worry.

Whatever we think during the first few hours of our day sets the tone for our rest of the day. Choose to spend a few positive moments in the morning with yourself or your family, away from the negativity of the world.


Trust your journey

One of the reasons we worry is because we compare ourselves with others. Someone may have more money, look happier, or have great relationships.

With the increase in use of social media where people try to portray the best of their life, it’s very easy to compare our life with that of others and feel worried if we would ever be so happy or wealthy.

Whenever you find yourself comparing your life with others, remind yourself to trust your journey. Everyone has their own journey and their own timings.

Another reason why we worry is because of our need to control our life. We worry because what if things don’t go as we want them to be.

But when we surrender ourselves to the infinite power of the universe, and trust that whatever shall happen will be for our highest good, we no longer have that need for control. Worry cannot exist when faith overpowers fears.

Sorrow looks back, Worry looks around, Faith looks up”.

 Ralph Waldo Emerson


Now, you know why you worry and what can be done to handle the worry you experience every day. But what if you can learn a technique that can help you eliminate the tendency to worry from its root?

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is one such alternative therapeutic technique that aims to help one let go of negative thoughts, memories, and emotions.

It is based on the combination of ancient Chinese medicine with modern psychology. This technique involves tapping on specific pressure points on the body using finger tips while recalling negative or painful memories or thoughts.

The theory behind EFT is that when a negative or traumatic event happens, it is stored in our body as a distressing memory, and this causes a disruption in the flow of energy in the body.

EFT works on resolving this disruption in flow of energy by balancing those unresolved negative emotions. If you have a tendency to worry a lot, it may be due to a negative experience you may have gone through, even if you may not remember it consciously.

It can be very small incident, but may have had a significant impact on you, or it can be relatively big event. EFT aims to uncover those deeply suppressed memories associated with those disturbing emotions, in order to heal from the root cause.

Pause for a moment and ask yourself the following questions:

  • What makes you feel worried?
  • Who makes you feel worried?
  • What has to happen to trigger worry in you?
  • What is it that keeps you awake at night?
  • What has to happen for you to feel no worry and to be completely accepting of what is?

Think about the answers with a calm and quiet mind. If you could get a basic idea about your worries through these questions, go ahead and follow the EFT Tapping sequence of melting worry.

Thinking during EFT Tapping Treatment


EFT Tapping for Melting Worry:

Step 1:

First Use EFT Tapping On What It Feels Like To Feel The Worry

Explore the physical sensations in the body associated with the worry.  To understand the physical nature of the worry, notice where you feel it in the body.


To get started, begin by investigating the physical nature of Worry. 

Ask yourself the following:

  • Where in the body do you experience the worry?
  • What is the colour, size, texture, shape of worry? (Try to imagine)
  • What are the sensations like? How does the worry feel? For example, rough or smooth.


Now, measure the level of worry by rating it on a scale of 0-10:

Ask yourself: “What number is the worry at?”  where 10 is very high and 0 is very low. Just go with whatever comes up in your mind spontaneously, without over-thinking about.


Start Tapping on the Side of the Hand: 

 “Even though I feel worried about _____________ and I can feel it in my (part of the body)________________________ and it’s at a number _____________ and it makes me feel _______________ I deeply and completely love and accept myself.” 

Repeat this 3 times.


Then  Start Tapping On The upper body, Facial and Finger tapping points: 

  • Eyebrow: I feel worried about _________
  • side Of the Eye: I feel it in my ___________
  • Under the eye: It’s at a number _______
  • Under the nose: It makes me feel _______
  • Chin: It’s in my ________ at a number _____
  • Collarbone: It makes me feel_________
  • Under the arm: So ____________
  • Thumb: So ____________
  • Index Finger: Worried because___________
  • Middle Finger: I feel it in my ______________
  • Little Finger: So________________


Close the sequence by Tapping On The Karate Chop: 

 “Even though I feel worried about __________ and I feel it in my ___________ and it’s at a number _______ and it makes me feel _______, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.”



Take a gentle breath in and out and take a sip of water.



After the round of tapping, ask yourself, “What number is the worry at?”

If it has reduced to a level you feel happy with, you can stop. Or you can repeat this process if you feel like the number could come down a little more.

Step 2:

Then Discover Past Experiences Of Getting Worried And Clear Them 

To reveal the memories linked to feeling worried, you can ask questions like:

  • When have you felt worried before?
  • What does the worry remind you of?
  • When is it that you don’t experience worry?
  • What can trigger and bring about the feeling of worry?

Step 3:

Explore Any Other Limiting Beliefs That Prevented You From Being Worry-Free

Limiting beliefs are conscious or unconscious thoughts that prevent us from growing and achieving our goals. They are usually responsible for self-sabotage, procrastination and low-self esteem, in an individual.

  • Try to think of the limiting beliefs you may be having related to worry. Then shift them negative to positive. For example, “Something bad is going to happen” to “Everything is going to be fine.”

Step 4:

Close With Positive EFT Tapping For Melting Worry:

Example of a positive tapping statements are:

  • “Even though I feel so worried about (specify the cause of worry), now I am open to let it go and trust the universe.”
EFT Tapping For Melting Worry


Even after being disregarded by the clinical psychology community, EFT proved to be scientifically effective for healing stress, anxiety, traumatic memories, phobias, cravings, weight problems, PTSD, depression, physical illnesses and pain, negative emotions like anger, worry, sadness, guilt, fear, hurt, and creating a feeling of wellbeing and calm.

There has been growing number of research studies that are proving the efficacy of EFT Tapping for almost all types of physical and psychological issues.

EFT Tapping is proven to work on stress and anxiety on a deep level and as worry is simply a symptom of anxiety, worry automatically tends to go away.

EFT Tapping

A study based on brain scans confirmed that 76% of patients treated with EFT experienced complete reversal. An observation of brain changes was done after treatment for anxiety.

The study used pre- and post-treatment functional brain imaging (through computerized EEG, evoked potentials, and topographic mapping).

The brain scans showed that patients treated with tapping (EFT) experienced a shift toward normal levels of brain activity. 

After a few sessions of EFT, the images shifted from red (highly dysfunctional waves) to blue (calmer state), and this corresponded with a decrease in the frequency and intensity of anxiety symptoms.

Patients who received CBT treatment along with medication also showed similar changes in their brain scans, but they took a longer treatment time to achieve this.

Also, after 1 year, CBT patients’ brain scans were more likely to have returned to their pre-treatment levels than the EFT patients. The EFT patients were more likely to maintain their improved state of lessened anxiety (3).

In yet another study, after experiencing EFT Tapping, test anxiety in high school students went down significantly. Using a self report questionnaire called Test Anxiety Inventory, 70 students were identified with high-level test anxiety.

Worry is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but never gets you anywhere”.

Erma Bombeck

The students were randomly assigned to a group that received progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) techniques or to another group that received EFT Tapping treatment. A significant reduction occurred in the test anxiety scores of both the groups, but The EFT group had a significantly greater decrease than the PMR group (3).

Another research study focused on presentation anxiety, as it is reported to be one of the most common fears that people have. 25 students undertaking a 3rd year Foundation Degree level complementary therapy course in research module were the participants for this study.

The module involved an assessed presentation, which was known to generate anxiety among students.

The students were given a small assignment workshop. They then received a short lecture introducing EFT and were then guided though one round of EFT focussing on their fear of public speaking. Pre and post EFT treatment, the students were assessed using the Subjective Units of Distress (SUDs) and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). 

Soon after their presentation, the students were invited to participate in a brief face to face interview to explore their use of and feelings about EFT.

21 students out of the total of 25 students (84%) participated in the research. Significant reduction in SUDS, HAD and HAD Anxiety Subscale were found (4).

EFT Tapping is indeed one of the most powerful healing methods in the world today and the results it produces have been surprisingly quick and long-lasting.

Emotional Freedom Techniques

Instead of worrying constantly about the results, if we simply play our parts joyfully, how much easier would life become? Imagine how wonderful our life would be if we free ourselves from fruitless worry, enjoy the present moment, and focus on things that we can actually change.

Whenever worry knocks your mind’s door, remind yourself that what is yours, no one can take from you, and what is not yours, no one can give you. All you need will find its way to you. For now, just breathe!

Continue to learn and explore!


Dr Rangana Rupavi Choudhuri (PhD)

P.S. Want to discover if EFT is right for you? Book a Complimentary Discovery Call.

How To Self-Heal & Become An EFT Practitioner

Discover how EFT Tapping can help you to self-heal or to become professionally qualified as a Certified EFT Practitioner. Emotional Freedom Techniques (Tapping) is clinically proven to lower stress, tension, anxiety, past trauma to enable health, happiness and vitality.

In summary, EFT Tapping is an amazingly effective tool for dealing with any kind of negative emotions like worry, anger, fear, guilt, sadness, and hurt. It soothes you by sending calming signals to the brain, leaving you feeling relaxed and peaceful. So, tap away your worries with EFT! 

Disclaimer: The information on this website is purely for educational purposes and does not in any way replace the requirement for medical and psychological diagnosis and treatment. Please seek professional medical and psychological diagnosis and advice for all medical and mental health conditions. It is advised to always book any consultations with qualified professionals.

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