Cancer And I – How To Use EFT Tapping For Cancer

EFT Tapping for Cancer Relief
In this article, you will learn about Cancer and how EFT can carry you through the worst to
re-gain your balance and calm. EFT Tapping for Cancer can be used to cope with the stress of
the diagnosis, and provide relief from the myriad of overwhelming emotions.
Cancer is never easy for anyone. You never think that you are going to get it, until you get it. I got it, and so did my mother. In my case, I healed with emotional therapy, without drugs or surgery.
It is scary, overwhelming and destabilising, whether you, a family member or a friend is diagnosed. The first thing to do, is to stay calm and know that help is here.
When the body is stressed, healing is slow, whereas when the body is relaxed, healing becomes easier.
Cancer is a medical label, where the cells in the body keep growing uncontrollably, and spread to other parts of the body.
This disease can grow anywhere in the body. Normally cells grow, and when they become old or damaged, they die; whereas cancer cells stop dying.
The cancer cells that keep growing can form either Benign Tumours (lumps of tissues) or Cancerous Tumours, which can spread in other parts of the body (known as metastasis).
An empowering way to cope with cancer, and create a state of healing in the body, is to:
- Allow your emotions to be expressed instead of suppressing them. Letting out the bottled-up emotions is vital, not only in cancer, but to create optimum health.
- Boost the immune system with EFT Tapping & Energy Yoga to give the body the best chance of stimulating the "killer" immune cells, which have the ability to gobble up the cancer cells
- Uncover the root cause of the cancer with a clinically proven technique like EFT, which involves tapping on energy points to release stressful emotions, and past situations associated with cancer.
Some examples of the root causes of cancer are:
- Suppressed anger, where you prevent yourself from expressing your emotions and make anger wrong, is clinically linked to cancer and heart disease. You judge yourself and others for getting angry, and control your own anger from having an outlet. The negativity release method based on EFT Tapping & Energy Yoga is effective in letting go of anger.
- Inability to forgive, is also linked to cancer and disease, where those who were not able to forgive were at a higher risk of cancer.
- Death vows, where you wish you were dead. At times, these death vows can be said in jest versus with a seriousness of following through.
- Extreme low self-esteem, where you feel hopeless or even lose the will to live. One of the reasons for low self-esteem are our past negative experiences and limiting beliefs. For example, a family member putting you down or the belief that, "I am useless".
- More stress than the body can cope with. For example, consistently feeling overwhelmed and out of your depth.
With cancer in mind, EFT therapy makes use of tapping on different energy points in your body to:
- Let go of suppressed emotion, like anger, hopelessness, shame, embarrassment, and loss.
- Forgive yourself and others for the past. With EFT Tapping & Inner Child Matrix you can even forgive what might have felt unforgivable. For example, betrayal and heartbreak. You begin by uncovering who or what you are not able to forgive, and work through each one using the memory clearance technique in EFT, known as Tell the Story or Movie Technique. For more traumatic memories, use Tearless Trauma or Inner Child Matrix. Once you empty out and speak the truth of how you really felt, forgiveness is natural and organic.
- Uncover past death vows and clear them from the root cause. I remember a death vow of mine, when my father banned from going out after 6pm. I was an upset and a hormonal teenager, and
I sat out in my balcony, and wished I were dead. I cleared that vow years later. Even though, I did not mean it and would not have followed through, it is how I felt in the moment. - Gain freedom from low self-esteem by uncovering and clearing past traumatic experiences, and uncomfortable memories, limits, and negative thinking.
- Lift stress by healing the root cause of overwhelm, and providing a daily method to relax and feel calm.
For those new to EFT, it is also known as Tapping Therapy, that combines Tapping on Acupressure Points with saying statements out loud to accept situations. For more details, you can download a free booklet on EFT below.
With the medical label cancer, the focus on the treatment plan with EFT Tapping is on the emotional aspects of the person diagnosed with cancer.
We are not treating the cancer, but we are working on the emotions during the different stages.
The EFT Tapping process is very helpful in various phases mapped out below, from diagnosis to recovery.
Phase 1: Coping with the shock of the diagnosis and EFT Tapping Therapy
- Shock and the horror of getting diagnosed for cancer.
- Stress, fear, and anxiousness as the news of the diagnosis percolates.
When we work on these emotions and the body is calm, it is more likely to heal itself. You might first have to accept the fact that you’re being diagnosed, and also prepare yourself.
Note: Cancer is usually connected to many factors that include, stress, resentment, not being able to forgive, anger, and so on.
So, you can ask yourself:
When in my life have I been so stressed?
What has made me so very stressed? Work, relationship, etc.
When in my life have I been so angry?
When in my life have I not forgiven anybody?
These are the three areas we first explore (stress, anger, not being able to forgive). These questions will bring up memories and other emotions that you can explore, and clear through EFT; one at a time.
Phase 2: Deciding on the cancer treatment plan with EFT Tapping
After diagnosis, deciding on the treatment can be quite exhausting, as different doctors have different opinions; and making a decision on which one you would want to move forward with, can be confusing and draining.
EFT can again be helpful here to clear your mind, and help you stay calm and focused.
Doubting your decisions is common and very natural since questions like, “Have I made the right decision?” or “Should I have chosen the other treatment plan?” arise.
Relaxation techniques play a huge role in helping you during this stage. You can use EFT Tapping processes, and also the
Jin Shin Jyutsu technique for relaxation in this video.
Phase 3: Staying calm during the cancer treatment plan with EFT Tapping
During treatment, EFT can be very helpful in keeping you calm and composed.
You can tap on yourself while saying, “The treatment is going only to the cells that need to die. The treatment is keeping my healthy cells well and alive. The treatment is so safe. I’m so lucky the treatment is only going to the cells that need to be taken out of the body. I’m so grateful the treatment is keeping my healthy cells, healthy.”
Phase 4: Facing the consequences of the cancer treatment plan with EFT Tapping
After the treatment, it is important to focus on your emotions and be ready to deal with, and face the consequences the treatment might bring. You can use EFT Tapping for all the emotions that come up while
you are in this stage.
There can be many different areas to explore, for example:
- Life after cancer
- Fear of death
- Fear of not healing
- Feeling unsupported
- Worried how your family, and children will cope
- The burden of responsibility
- Fear of falling sick again
You can also complete tapping daily that opens the door to possibility, for example:
- "Even though this is really hard and I am not sure I will get through it, suppose somehow I can get through it."
- "Even though I am so scared as my future is unknown, what if I surrender and trust in life."
- "Even though I do not know what to tell my family, I am open to the possibility of sharing my truth."
- "Even though I know I have to change my lifestyle, and am unsure how, I choose to flow with the signs."
Phase 5: Rebuild your life with EFT Tapping, after the cancer treatment plan completes
Cancer can shake everything up. It is a massive wake-up call. Cancer caused me to change my lifestyle from unhealthy to healthy. I changed my diet, exercise routine, and slowed down the pace of my life.
So, this phase is about rebuilding your life, and focusing on what is really important to you in your life.
EFT Tapping will help you deal with this life changing process and transformation.
One of the gifts you can give yourself to help cope with the stress of cancer is to learn EFT Tapping through, EFT Practitioner Training. You can learn it for yourself and use it as a self-help method, and get professional sessions with a skilled EFT Practitioner who can support you in your healing journey.
After tapping you feel a sense of relief and calm, that boosts the immune system to produce special
white blood cells known as killer cells that can fight cancer. Plus EFT Tapping lowers the cortisol levels and instils harmony, giving the body the best chance of healing.
Once you learn EFT Tapping you can use it as a:
- Daily routine to remain calm and boost the immune system.
- Weekly self-therapy to clear challenges from the root cause.
- Self-help method as needed.
"You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have"
cayla mills
EFT Tapping works on the body’s energy system. Disruptions in the energy system can result in negative emotions and behaviours, coupled with physical discomforts.
Suppressing these emotions might make you feel good at that moment. However, the key is tapping on specific points along the meridians.
By tapping, you release the suppressed energy; and also, make a way to balance the energy flow in
your body.
As you tap on specific points on your body, and repeat specific phrases loudly; it directs kinetic energy through all the blocked meridians, and clears the energy system to give relief from distress.
It was clear to me how mere tapping on these points can alter the distress in a memory, and take you miles away from stressing over your well-being just to constantly get worried about oneself.
Discover how EFT can help you to self-heal or to become professionally qualified as a Certified EFT Practitioner. Emotional Freedom Technique (tapping) is clinically proven to lower stress, tension, anxiety, past trauma to enable health, happiness and vitality.
Cancer & I - A personal account of using EFT Tapping Therapy
It was on a sunny Wednesday morning in August that cancer came knocking at my door. It came as a complete surprise, an utter outrage! All right, people do get cancer (quite a few do), but I had not planned on it! I am a healthy person! I do not smoke, I hardly drink, I am a good girl, and I even eat loads of broccoli! When we hear the words "you have cancer," most of us immediately become concerned about our mortality. Even if our doctors reassure us and the prognosis is favourable, it will never be enough to put our concerns to rest. Nobody is given a guarantee, and we all want to do everything we can to improve our chances of living a long and healthy life.
But, there you go. The universe was of a different opinion, or at least my cells were. They had started multiplying way beyond control. I noticed the lump in my left breast when I was having my morning shower. If I had not been involved in the conversation I had the previous day with a friend talking about their treatment for colon cancer,
I probably would not have paid any attention to it. But as it was, I did notice and went for a check-up. In the end,
I decided on traditional treatment for the tumour that was now lodged in my body.
Every person on the earth is one-of-a-kind in some manner. Even identical siblings have physical and personality characteristics that set them apart. Isn't it reasonable to expect that cancers, no matter how similar their diagnoses, will be distinctive in some way? Of course, I have been puzzling over why I got cancer. I have lots of theories; but they are pure guesswork. The shock of my mother's unexpected death? The end of a love relationship that was very important to me? Radiation from my mobile phone? The wrong kind of food? I will never know for sure. One thing I know, perhaps, is that I was extremely lucky. Lucky to live near a hospital with a very good record of treating cancer patients.
Luckily, I had friends and family to support me. And most of all, lucky because I had learned EFT Tapping and became an EFT Trainer through Vitality Living College. What’s more? The effects of EFT treatments are quick and long-lasting. When it comes to emotional freedom, EFT Tapping is an effective, easy-to-use, simple, and inexpensive technique. EFT Tapping helps to free you from emotional baggage and eliminate your root cause.
I used EFT all through my illness. I remember sitting in the hospital, waiting for the doctor to see me and tell me what was going on. I was tapping, and I did not care who saw me. I tapped as the doctor told me that I need an operation. He wondered what I was doing, I told him that tapping helped me stay calm and focused. I even gave him a little account of what happens in the brain when you tap (remember, this is Sweden!); and told him about Tapping for PTSD in Africa, and after the tsunami.
"Interesting", he said, "Why don't you write a book about it?" No, I thought, not another one of these sentimental cancer books! Never! EFT Tapping is a type of genuine acceptance, it's telling yourself that you're enough just the way you are. Being in a state of radical self-love is believing that you are more than enough. You realise that regardless; no matter what defects and shortcomings you have as a person, you are worthy and sufficient.
You have everything you need within you, when you have self-love.
I am so grateful for the tapping because it gave me a tool, that empowered and helped me through the ordeal of my illness. I tapped when I got home after seeing the doctor, I felt calm; but when I went to bed, I realised I was icy cold and shivering with shock.
I laid there trembling, talking to myself, giving voice to all my fears; and after about 15 minutes my body felt relaxed and warm. I fell into a deep and restful sleep; and when I woke up in the morning, I thought very sensibly: "Okay, I have got cancer. So what do I do now?"
"Tell my kids and my friends?" Definitely. They had to know, but oooh, that was scary! But here too, tapping helped me find a way to handle my emotions and process my feelings. I realised, and also felt, that if I did not tell them, I'd be cheating them out of an opportunity to grow as human beings; however much I wanted to tell the people I love, I could not protect my children from the pain that life bestows on us. And after all, they were not babies anymore, but grown-ups with children of their own. Talking to them made me feel so happy; I had these fantastic children and amazing friends to support me throughout my journey.
A cancer diagnosis can be frightening and confusing. It's important to remember that you don't have to face cancer alone, regardless of your diagnosis or the course you take on your cancer journey. You should have a team of love-giving experts on your side; be it family, friends, or your loved ones. Furthermore, having a better understanding of what each individual performs may make you feel more at ease, as you continue with your care. I tapped before the operation, knowing that if you are calm before they cut you up, your body heals much better afterwards. I used Emma Roberts' brilliant self-help guide Even Though I Have Cancer as my inspiration.
My pre-operation scans were very good, better than normal. EFT even gave me the courage to ask the surgeon not to speak about negative things (or football!) during the operation; and also, to repeat some positive affirmations for me while I was sedated. I don't know if he did though, or perhaps, it was just pure bad luck that the scar from the surgery got infected; and I was left with a nasty hole in my breast, oozing pus.
After six weeks, I had had enough; so, I started tapping with focused energy, using visualisations and intention. After a week, the hole had healed. "Why wait so long?" you'd probably ask. Because I just didn't think of tapping at first. I was too busy trying to find a way to handle the nausea from the chemotherapy. (Even though I had opted for traditional treatment, I tried to avoid taking all the extra medication they gave me for the side effects.)
I read up the theory of nausea, and found out that tapping helps. I also continued eating my favourite food, although I was advised not to. But before eating, I tapped. "Even though I feel a bit nauseous, there is nothing wrong with this food. It is just my brain playing tricks on me." Tap, Tap, Tap. And I have never had any problems with what I ate during my illness, my brain just did not seem to remember that I felt ill when I ate certain foods.
Cancer has a way of altering your personality. Many cancer patients are attempting to figure out what "the new normal" is for their lives, while battling the disease or after it has gone into remission. You may suffer hair loss or your hair is changed after surgery, and your nails, mouth, and other body parts are not as they were. And so it went. I tapped during the chemotherapy, and during the radiation therapy that followed. I tapped for losing my hair. I tapped for tiredness, sadness, and worry.
I tapped for anything that came my way, that needed to be dealt with. And I also tapped on other people, people I met during my visits to the hospital, and who needed relief from their pain, suffering, aching, and anxiety. There were only two things I could not tap for: one was the overwhelming and mind-blowing fear of death, that attacked me while I was waiting for the lab results telling me how seriously ill I was.
I would have needed someone to tap with me then, and reassure me that death comes to us all; and that right now, right then, I was still alive. Instead of tapping, I wrote, and that was also a good thing. The second thing I never got very far with on my own was the frustration I felt at having so little energy when the treatments were over. I had finally decided to write the book about how EFT and mindfulness can help during cancer; but I never seemed to get around to it. "Take it easy", my friends told me. Be kind to yourself!
When you were ill, were you kind or hard on yourself? I guess my tendency to be so hard on myself is wired into me since my childhood. I have worked a lot on it; and here, a helping hand would have been great, but I never got around to it. Shame and tiredness colluded to keep me stuck.
My most important decision was to love myself more fully. "Is it true that I love myself enough to fight for what I want? But I did other things that were good for me. I was out cycling a lot. I danced the Five Rhythms every morning. I meditated. I exercised. I read, I wrote. I cut out sugar and red meat from my diet, and added other healthier things.
I kept going to my barber's shop and chorus practice every week. I did things that were fun and engaging and kept me active and joyful. So, the energy returned and the book materialised: my own story, followed by an introduction to EFT and how to use it for cancer. Through Facebook, I found women who were willing to try EFT, and I found that Skype sessions were a super way to do it. These women kindly allowed me to tell their stories in the book. Emma Roberts also gave me much support and shared her wide experience from working with cancer patients.
The doctors say I am cured of my cancer now, but that does not mean anything to me. After all, I was healthy when I got my diagnosis five years ago. What is important though, is that EFT helped me go through this ordeal and come out at the other end feeling enriched, and not broken by my experience. I am grateful that I am still around, being able to enjoy the wonders of life and love. Every minute, here and now.
Irene Ãdmark-Hall is a EFT Master Trainer having completed her Trainers Training with Vitality Living College & Dr Rangana Rupavi Choudhuri (PhD), and accredited by AAMET as an EFT Master Trainer. She is also a Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner and Zen Coach. Irene specialises in sleep problems, fear of public speaking, and cancer.
As a practitioner, she is intuitive, gentle, creative and grounded. +46 70 35 24 115,,
Cancer does not have to be a life sentence. It can be a temporary wake-up call. A pause to go within and heal our emotions, past and limits.
To live life full out, without hesitation and no regrets.
After I healed from cancer, I traveled to all my dream locations, stopped waiting for life, and grabbed it fully.
You can do it! This is your time. Live it fully.
Dr Rangana Rupavi Choudhuri (PhD)
P.S. Want to discover if EFT Tapping is right for you? Book a Complimentary Discovery Call.
In summary, being diagnosed with any medical illness is never easy. It can lead to worrying about yourself, questioning your ability to stay strong, and make you exhausted. Instead pause, relax and get help in the form of EFT Tapping. This alternative therapy method will help you feel calm and cope with the stress of diagnosis.
Disclaimer: The information on this website is purely for educational purposes and does not in any way replace the requirement for medical and psychological diagnosis and treatment. Please seek professional medical and psychological diagnosis and advice for all medical and mental health conditions. It is advised to always book any consultations with qualified professionals.
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