

Free Seminar. Limited Seating. Booking Essential.

Freedom Seminar with Dr Rangana Rupavi Choudhuri (PhD)

Learn how to create happiness, health, vitality, peace and balance with international author, speaker and trainer Dr Rangana Rupavi Choudhuri (PhD) in Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Kolkata & Chennai starting August 2014.

Freedom from stress flyer A4

Dr Rangana Rupavi ChoudhuriThe free FREEDOM seminar will be delivered by dynamic author, international speaker and trainer Dr Rangana Rupavi Choudhuri.  She would welcome your attendance and will share her latest work to be able to:

  • Let go of excess baggage to feel more at peace
  • Overcome past heart-break, hurt and loss
  • Eradicate cravings to get the body you deserve
  • Gain freedom from past negativity and blocks
  • Feel more relaxed and confident at work
  • Create harmony and happiness at home

The places are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis so to secure your place please book now and claim your free place. If the seminar is booked up, you will be placed on a wait list. 

If you want to secure your free place now use the booking links below. So what are you waiting for? Book your free place now.

Program Dates Day & Time Venue Location Register
Delhi 31 Aug Sun 3-6pm Zorba Ghitorni
Bengaluru 6 Sep Sat 10am-1 Times MG Road
Mumbai 7 Sep Sun 3-6pm Mitibhai Ville Parle
Chennai 5 Oct Sun 3-6pm TBD TBD
Kolkata 26 Nov Wed 6-9pm Briddhi Pandit Strt

Dr Rangana Rupavi Choudhuri is passionate about motivating people – about boosting their confidence and helping them to achieve their true potential. Her clear and proven coaching style has encouraged audiences around the world to move out of their comfort zones – inspiring them to meet and exceed their personal and professional goals, over and over again. More.

The free seminars are highly interactive with live demonstrations, healing processes and therapeutic stories to let go of stress and start enjoying life. You will leave being able to use the techniques on yourself as part of a self-healing program.

Dr Choudhuri will introduce you to the powerful alternate therapy and coaching modalities to gain freedom from stress. Specifically, you will learn about clinically proven Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), Matrix Reimprinting and Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP).

What is the reason behind the Free Freedom seminar?

The pace of life is becoming increasingly hectic and with demands made on us from numerous places, it can be difficult to allow yourself the time to focus on yourself and your happiness, health and well-being. This can lead to a life that is unhappy and stressful with very little excitement or sense of self-worth.

Given the choice, most people would rather live lives that are…

  • Free of stress
  • Full of self-belief
  • Free from past emotional upsets
  • Free from cravings and unhealthy emotions
  • Filled with positive energy with a positive outlook and the 
achievement of goals

That’s why we run free FREEDOM from stress seminars with an introduction to clinically proven Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), rapid healing technique Matrix Reimprinting and powerful success coaching tool Neuro-lingusitic programming (NLP).

EFT, Matrix Reimprinting & NLP teach people how to find inner peace and be…

  • Happier
  • Healthier
  • Full of confidence
  • Emotionally balanced
  • And have a strong sense of wellbeing, achieving stress relief in seconds

What will you learn during the free seminar?

During the free seminar you will learn what are EFT, Matrix Reimprinting & NLP and how they work, and how to use them for:

  • Stress relief
  • Lowering physical pain
  • Reducing cravings
  • Clearing negativity
  • Eliminating emotional hooks
  • Creating positive energy and outlook

EFT has been clinically proven to reduce stress, depression, cravings, negativity and trauma’s creating health, happiness and vitality. It is a popular technique used by celebrities, athletes, executives, housewives, professionals, doctors, healers, coaches, trainers and consultants.

Real and Rapid results with Matrix ReimprintingMatrix Reimprinting is the latest advancement in EFT and gets to the root of powerlessness and helplessness to create real and rapid breakthroughs in life, health, career, finances, spirituality and relationships.

Smart Indian Business TeamWhereas, Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) is the science of success and can help to create the right mental state to feel relaxed, calm and confident in the workplace or at home. Once learnt it can stay with you for life and you can use the skills in a heart beat to feel good.

Who will get the most of the seminar? 

The seminar is ideal for professionals, executives, house wives, teachers, healers, therapists, artists, spiritual seekers, personal development enthusiasts, coaches, consultants, trainers, doctors, nurses, business owners, entrepreneurs and students.

So what are you waiting for? There are limited places and they will be allocated on a first come first served basis. Register above or click to go  on-line and book your place now

What others have to say?

“Rangana is a great facilitator and teacher of this work. Her passion really shines through. She is very open for questions and always has time for you. She is very experienced and a real pleasure to work with.” Neela Gohil, Holistic Healer, India

“Now that I have learnt EFT and become a Practitioner with Vitality Living College I am getting more clients and earning a living.” Jayant Pawar, Wellness coach, India

“Enjoyed every moment of the workshop. Rangana is just too amazing. Never met a guru like her.” Smita Joshi

There are thousands of stories on how attending training with EFT has resulted in healing, personal transformation and change. In the case of Dr Rangana Rupavi Choudhuri, she overcome daily migraines and chronic pain in her body after having learnt EFT. After attending training:

  • Dr Rajesh healed his back pain completely and now he helps his patients to do the same
  • Sehjal healed her chronic muscle pain (fibromyalgia)
  • Working mom Daisy helped her son overcome his learning difficulty
  • Professor Amin’s swelling (edema) cleared
  • Aparna helped her daughter reduce back pain from bad posture
  • Michael & Uma overcame their fear of public speaking
  • Nihal became free from fear of confined spaces (Claustrophobia)
  • Sreekumar cut through layers of past pain and broke free
  • Mahalakshmi helped her mom clear her back pain in 15 minutes
  • Isobel faced her rage to find ultimate peace and helped her client reduce his unbearable tooth pain in minutes
  • Sadhana cleared her negative feelings of the past and was no longer upset when she looked at old photos
  • Mallika overcame her mushroom allergy and cockroach phobia
  • Reenaa healed her allergy of yogurt and milk
  • Jayant increased his income through clients
  • Anita stopped taking 75% of her depression medication
  • Apoorvaa healed her Thyroid imbalance with normal test results
  • Emma gave up chocolate cravings and lost weight
  • Avni motivated herself with EFT to start a health program and shed 20kg in weight
  • Smita felt emotionally transformed and finally healed and happy

To learn about these experiences please visit EFT ReviewsMatrix Reviews and NLP Reviews.

Watch what others had to say about training

Learn what thought leaders like Deepak Chopra, Bruce Lipton & Wayne Dyer feel about EFT and the reason it is regarded as such a powerful technique.

Read press reviews for Dr Rangana Rupavi Choudhuri.

So what are you waiting for? Register above or click to go  on-line and book your place now

7 steps booklet  Free EFT booklet  Heal your emotions booklet
To find out more information download 6 life transforming Breakthrough books completely   introduction to EFT, NLP & Matrix Reimprinting.

About Vitality Living College

Vitality Living College Sunflower LogoVitality Living College is a global learning organisation offering seminars world-wide in stress relief, emotional well-being, communication, confidence and spiritual realisation along with creating certified practitioners, coaches and trainers of EFT, NLP, Hypnosis, Timeline, Journey work, Matrix Reimprinting and Breakthrough Coaching. It is the only global college of its kind dedicated to personal development, emotional wellbeing and spiritual growth.

For the latest schedule of free seminars, certified trainings and transformational workshops go to Book me.

To stay connected with us and to know more about upcoming events Like our Vitality Living College official facebook page Click here.
