
Congratulations NLP Practitioner Breakthrough Coach

Man on top of mountain

Congratulations on completing your NLP Practitioner training and being awarded Breakthrough Coaching, NLP Practitioner, NLP Diploma, Hypnosis Practitioner & Timeline Technology Practitioner. You will find below the logos that you can download and add to your website, marketing materials and social media. 

Click on the image to be able to download the logos

Your next steps:

  • Get the logos for your website and marketing materials
  • Follow up with your NLP Coaching buddy 3 times in the next 30 days
  • Conduct at least 3 breakthrough coaching sessions
  • Let your friends and family know you have become a coach and ask them if they might know someone who wants to be coached
  • Post your picture with your certificates on social media

Below you will find the resources mentioned in class:

Detailed Personal History

Sub modality Checklist

Timeline Technology

7 Steps to Breakthrough Coaching 

Appointment Letter 

Sub modality Checklist

Timeline Technology

7 Steps to Breakthrough Coaching 

Appointment Letter 

As a graduate of Vitality Living College you are now invited to join:

A Whats App support group where you can share your learning's, insights, cases and questions - anything that further's your personal and professional NLP Coaching development. If you have not received the invite, please Whats App message +919920454749

The NLP Facebook Community and support group. It is a secret group so you can post insights, learnings, questions as well as case information.

You can  make your friends and family aware straight-away about your qualification as a coach and start making potential client's aware. 

Share with your friends and family the links to these free booklets to make them aware of what they can experience with you.

We welcome you with open arms onto the Partnership Program where we gift you 10% for anyone that books onto training through you.

Here are the laminates from each of the exercises, in case you want to print your own copy

Perceptual Positions

NLP Pre-suppositions

Logical Levels

Disney Strategy

Here are the videos played during class

No Arms No Legs

Paul Potts

Peaceful Warrier

Here are some educational videos by means of background

Dan Millman@Ted Ex

Tony Robbins Ted Talk

The 6 Human Needs

Overcome fear of Driving 

Logical Levels  

Relationship Coaching 

One of the reasons dance and movement is central to the 7 days training is dance stimulates chemicals in the brain that make you feel good.

Dance also interrupts a patterns. 

Studies have shown dance improves memory and shifts your mood positively.

So to support you with your on-going feel good movement below is the full music playlist from class.  
