Registration Form UK
Registration Form UK
To secure your place, kindly fill in registration details and specify payment method and e-mail back within 48 hours.
Payment can be made via bank transfer, credit card, cheque or cash.
First Name____________________________________________
Last Name____________________________________________
Name to be written on Certificate (if different from above)
Date of birth__________________________________________
Preferred contact phone number____________________________
Permanent e-mail address_________________________________
Postal Address_________________________________________
Pincode/Zipcode _____________Country_____________________
Primary reason for attending course, for example personal development, self healing, become a Practitioner ___________________________
How did you find out about our training, for example newsletter, facebook, website______________________________________________
Special needs, for example special diet, wheel chair access ____________
Preferred Payment method:
On-line bank transfer – YES/NO
Cheque payment – YES/NO
Cash on the day – YES/NO
Credit card, plus 3% YES/NO
Paypal, plus 3% YES/NO
Payment to be made by (date) ________________________________
For ease payment details have been included below:
Bank Transfer to Rangana Choudhuri, HSBC
Account name: Rangana Choudhuri
International bank account number: GB34MIDL40461031461656
Branch Identifier code: MIDLGB2162L
Sort code: 40-46-10
Account number: 31461656
Bank Address: 122 Wembley Park Drive, Wembley Park, Middlesex HA9 8HT, UK
Cheques can be written in the name of Rangana Choudhuri and posted to
Rangana Choudhuri, 29 Century house, Forty Avenue, Wembley Park, Middlesex HA98RS, UK
Credit card payment – Go to Book me.
Paypal payment to Include additional 3% to cover paypal charges.