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Take the stress out of work – Be all that you can be with EFT!
Take the stress out of work – Be all that you can be with EFT!
Do you feel stressed at work? Do you have a fear of speaking in front of your peers? Are you plagued by mental tension, and do you feel like you just can’t focus?
You’re not alone.
In today’s world of faster, quicker, more-more-more, our work-lives have never been more exciting or more draining. The opportunities of our digital age have simultaneously liberated us and overwhelmed us. FOMO, YOLO and their ilk make us feel like we’re hamsters on a wheel – running furiously but getting nowhere. So, how do we deal with all these kinds of pressure?
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) in an innovative technology that can not only eliminate stress, but also reverse fears and remove beliefs that are holding you back at work. Here are five areas in which EFT can prove invaluable.
Sitting long hours in front of a computer or running from one meeting to another all day can really take a toll on our bodies. Tension headaches, carpal tunnel syndrome, pain in the neck or back can all be tapped away using EFT.
Corporate Trainer and Consultant Sreekumar Rajagopalan was in pain for 28 years. However, on Day 1 of the EFT workshop he attended, he got to the root cause of his pain, and it vanished! He said, “I’ve never attended a training session where the trainer was able to cut through layers so quickly, and reach the real issue for my pain, the underlying cause. On both Day 1 and Day 3, after my cathartic breakthroughs, I got full relief of the problem I had been carrying for the past 28 years.”
Whether it’s time crunches and deadlines, dissatisfaction with our salary, or even the fear of losing our job, these worries are often not at all productive, and can send us down a negative spiral of worry-inadequate performance-more worry-even worse performance. EFT can help us look at what’s really worrying us, and how we can take positive actions that actually help us.
Swetha M., a professional working for one of India’s largest IT companies, said after attending the EFT training, “I had so many burdens on my shoulders. Having attended the EFT workshop, I feel very relaxed and can achieve anything!” Mr Baiju C.V., a Functional Head of Quality at the same organization, said, “I am more free in my mind. Have a feeling I can now conduct myself more efficiently.”
Office politics. We have all been there, either as unwilling participants or as innocent bystanders who become casualties of war: A boss who is too demanding and refuses to listen to you. A colleague who insists on taking credit for your work. Simple disagreements that get blown out of proportion. Dealing with demanding clients. Even if you live in the mountains and work from home, some amount of interaction with other people is unavoidable. And this can often be challenging. EFT is a tool that comes in very handy to manage your emotions and interact in a productive way.
For over a year, Amrita Madhusudhan faced a difficult work situation with tensions between her boss and colleague, that led to severe illness. After attending the EFT seminar, she now uses tapping regularly, to keep her relationships with her colleagues flowing smoothly, and to deal with her stress, as and when it arises.
This is the Number 1 fear in the world, with 74% of the population suffering from speech anxiety. In fact, it accounts for 19% of all phobias. However human and understandable, being unable to present your work can be hugely detrimental to your career. With EFT, you can get to the root of this issue, and be able to speak with confidence.
Software Engineer Uma Anguraj went from fear of public speaking to speaking from the heart and spoke onstage at the end of the session on fears and phobias at her EFT training session in Bangalore. Moreover, other fears and phobias also yield to the power of EFT. In the latest EFT workshop, Sunil Kumar G.G. made a breakthrough that had unforeseen results. “I overcame my fear of heights and am much more confident!” This spilled over into his work as well.”
When we’re unhappy or stressed at work, this often spills over to the other areas of our lives. Furthermore, tension at work tends to make us unable to be fully present with our families and friends, even when we spend time with them. If this is your issue, using EFT to eliminate tension before it balloons into enormity can allow you to work when you need to work and rest when it’s time to rest.
Monika, an Assistant Manager, had several insights after learning EFT that helped her focus on what she really wanted, both at work as well as in her personal life. “I learnt about my potentials; as in, where I can reach and what I can achieve. I learnt to identify the wall I have created as my boundaries. After EFT, I know myself more. It has given me time to stop, think about and absorb what I want.”
So you might be wondering where to get started? The best place is the 4 day Emotional Freedom Techniques Semina, which reduces tension, stress, cravings and enhances performance at work with ease and comfort. The latest seminar locations can be found on https://vitalitylivingcollege.info/bookme/.
Disclaimer: If you have a medical condition, please visit your doctor and get a good medical diagnosis. The words on this blog do not replace the requirement for advice from a medical professional.
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