NLP Practitioner Training in London, UK
Breakthrough Coaching with Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Training can be as a part of personal development/self healing program or to get qualified as a Practitioner and earn a living by making a difference to other people's lives.
On the 3 day Intensive course where you will learn how to:
- Reduce stress, physical tension/pain as well as cravings
- Get to the root cause of negativity, negative emotions and situations
- Clear negative events, past hurts, fears and limitations
- Shift limiting beliefs to move towards what you want
- Work with adults and children on real life issues
All the training courses are highly interactive with live demonstrations, practice sessions and experiential learning that means each person will leave knowing the technique inside out and able to use with ease and confidence the very next day.
Details Of EFT Practitioner Training & Certification Modules
EFT Practitioner Training (Level 1 & 2) for health, happiness and vitality
EFT is clinically proven to lower stress, anxiety, tension, depression, physical tension, fears, limitations and blocks.
On the EFT Practitioner Training you will learn how to:
- Reduce stress, physical tension/pain as well as cravings
- Get to the root cause of negativity, negative emotions and situations
- Clear negative events, past hurts, fears and limitations
- Shift limiting beliefs to move towards what you want
- Work with adults and children on real life issue
The EFT Practitioner certification is awarded on successful completion of the following within one year of attending training:
- Attendance of EFT Foundational and EFT Practitioner Training;
- Pre-certification Supervision and Mentoring (27 hours included);
- 6 case studies on 2 clients, minimum of an hour length, written up in the required format totaling 12 sessions;
- 6 case study sessions written up, as self help so that you are clear on what it takes to self apply EFT;
- Submission of 50 practice hours of one-to-one sessions with a minimum of 20 clients;
- An open book multiple-choice exam;
- 1 page write up about your personal EFT Journey from attending the initial training to submitting your case studies and must include your reflections from the one to one professional sessions;
- Submission of one, 1 hour, video of giving a session to your client with a transcript and an audit of your learnings and reflections;
- Personal development log of attendance of the training;
- Submission of your continuing professional development and Supervision& Mentoring hours record log sheet;
- Commitment to completing the annual requirement of continuing professional development, supervision hours, and adhering to the code of conduct as part of the certification renewal process.
Following the award of EFT Practitioner certification from a Vitality Living College Certified EFT Trainer, students are eligible to apply to become an AAMET Accredited Practitioner. 6 hours supervision will need to be completed with AAMET accredited Master Trainer of Trainers, Dr Rangana Rupavi Choudhuri (PhD) and an on-line exam. Additional charges for supervision, the on-line exam and registration on the AAMET site will apply.
She came across EFT in 2005 and used the process to heal herself from chronic pain to feel healthier, happier and more confident. Subsequently she learnt Matrix Reimprinting and has helped others to heal allergies, long standing issues and feel at peace. With a Phd in Cancer Research and background in running multi-billion dollar businesses, Dr Choudhuri is now founder of Vitality Living College and travels the world delivering seminars in the personal development, emotional well-being and mind, body, spirit field. She is a Master Trainer of Trainers and certified EFT Practitioners, Ambassadors, Supervisors and Trainers as well as Matrix Reimprinting Practitioners.What is included in the EFT Practitioner
Our Next EFT Practitioner Training Program
EFT Practitioner Training Program Online
Trainer: Dr Rangana Rupavi Choudhuri (PhD)
Training Days & Dates:
• EFT Foundational Days: 3rd - 4th August, 10th - 11th August & 17th - 18th August 2024 (Saturday - Sunday)
• EFT Practitioner Days: 24th – 25th August, 31st August – 1st September, 7th – 8th September & 14th -15th September (Saturday – Sunday)
• EFT Practitioner Completion Days: 21st – 22nd September & 28th – 29th September (Saturday – Sunday)
- 10 am - 2.30 pm BST UK
- 5 - 9.30 am EDT US
- 11 am - 3.30 pm CEST EU
- 4 - 8.30 pm ICT Thailand
- 1 - 5.30 pm GST UAE
- 12 - 4.30 pm EEST Egypt
- 12 - 4.30 pm AST Saudi Arabia
- 5 - 9.30 pm SGT Singapore
- 7 - 11.30 pm AEST Australia
- 2.30 - 7 pm IST India / Sri Lanka
EFT Supervision & Mentoring: 5th, 19th, 26th October, 16th, 23rd & 30th November 2024 (Saturday)
• 9 am - 1.30 pm GMT UK *
• 4 - 8.30 am EST US**
• 10 am - 2.30 pm CET EU
• 4 - 8.30 pm ICT Thailand
• 1 - 5.30 pm GST UAE
• 12 - 4.30 pm EEST Egypt
• 12 - 4.30 pm AST Saudi Arabia
• 5 - 9.30 pm SGT Singapore
• 8 pm - 12.30 am AEST Australia
• 2.30 - 7 pm IST India / Sri Lanka
* After 26th October 2024 incase of UK
** After 3rd November 2024 incase of US
Online Location: Via Zoom Link. To be provided by e-mail and WhatsApp a day before training.
Pre-requisites: EFT Foundational & Practitioner Training
WHAT Is Included In The EFT Practitioner Training Program?
- 20 days training with a certified Vitality Living College EFT Trainer
- Over 150 pages of EFT Foundational (Level 1) and Practitioner (Level 2) Manual
- All Training slides used in class and links to background reading on EFT as well as related meridian therapies
- Attendance certificate from EFT Trainer and Master Trainer of Trainers Dr Rangana Rupavi Choudhuri (PhD)
- Additional 6 hours of training which includes supervision and mentoring at no extra charge, worth Rs 30,000
- 6 hours of pre-certification supervision online with an EFT Trainer at no extra charge, worth Rs 27,000
- 12 hours post-course mentoring hours by participation on the on-line momentum groups at no charge, worth Rs 57,000.
- In class practice sessions as well as live demonstrations during the training
- For those who want to be certified as EFT Practitioner full review and assessment of case studies, multiple choice exam, practice hours log and videos (if required), worth Rs 30,000
- Free Membership of Vitality Living College Alumni with invitations to on-going re-unions and swap groups, worth Rs 12,000
- Invitation to repeat the training as a helping volunteer (Assist Team) at a nominal fee, which includes 6 additional supervision hours, worth Rs 30,000
- Invitation to attend an optional supervision day at only Rs 4500, normally Rs 9000
Special offer: The early bird is Rs 22,500, which is available for a limited time on a first come first served basis.
For a full schedule of courses and locations, please visit Calendar.