
One-to-One Energy Flow Sessions Guidelines 

We are really looking forward to connecting with you during your consultation and/or coaching, therapy and healing sessions.

You would have already received and filled in your intake form and are either waiting to confirm or have booked your initial consultation with your practitioner, therapist or coach.

You would have arrived at this link because you:

1. Plan to fill in the Transformation Program Intake Form.
2. You have filled in your Energy Flow Transformation Program Intake Form.
3. Or have completed or booked an initial consultation with your Practitioner, Therapist or Coach.

Here are some points that might support you in preparation for your session:

  • Once the appointment gets booked some people find that they have more thoughts and emotions coming up. This is completely natural - just welcome them.
  • On the day of the appointment, you might like to drink more water than normal and hydrate throughout the day. This will help flush out any toxins after the session. 
  • It is best to avoid stimulants like caffeine, nicotine and alcohol prior to your sessions, as these stimulants inhibit the ability to feel your emotions.
  • In case your appointment is online have some water and tissues ready, should you need them.
  • Some of the therapy, coaching and healing techniques used in the session may involve touching energy points so do wash your hands with soap and water prior to sessions (this is in line with the safe touch procedure to ensure good hygiene).
  • After the appointment some people feel tired and want to rest, whereas others have more energy than normal.
  • In case your body needs rest, plan your schedule accordingly to be able to have some time out afterwards.
  • After the session it is advised to eat healthy and nourishing foods that support your body to heal, regenerate and renew.
  • Please consult with your Practitioner in case you are pregnant, or planning to get pregnant.


Please read below before your first session.

Each of our certified Practitioners & Practitioners in Training (referred to as Practitioners from now on) abide by a strict Code of Conduct to provide the highest level of care and best practice.

In addition to the above our Practitioners also follow the following guidelines and terms which are outlined below. Having submitted your intake form and initiated your first consultation and/or session you also agree to the following terms:

Disclaimer: You understand our sessions are not a replacement for medical or mental health diagnosis and treatment. If you feel you need medical or mental health support, then please do seek this out independently. You also understand that the sessions are focussed on focused on regulating nervous system and are not a treatment for medical and mental health conditions. You also declare that you are physically and mentally able to participate in the sessions and take full ownership of your own physical and mental health. Please note that the benefits mentioned, arising out of the session are merely indicative in nature, and not exhaustive. In the field of therapy, coaching and healing the results can vary from person to person and we cannot guarantee specific outcomes. While many experience benefits that meet or exceed expectations, in the event you do not experience any benefit, Vitality Living College (VLC) shall not be held liable for the same.

ConfidentialityYou as well as our Practitioners agree to keep the session and any oral or written information in connection with the preparation and performance of this session confidential. The confidentiality shall last till perpetuity (other than if a legal or ethical duty) and you shall not disclose any relevant information, to any third parties. 

Record Taking Consent: You also understand that your sessions might be recorded as notes, an audio or video and that you have given your consent. For those who are case studies your notes and or video/audio will be submitted for review by the Trainer and kept completely confidential and in a safe and secure place. 

Informed Consent: You agree to provide informed consent for consultation calls and practice sessions with Energy Flow. You understand that each case is different and the results may vary. You also understand that these modalities have not been documented to have side effects.

Data Information and Privacy: Please note all sessions and information you share as part of the sessions is private and confidential. Your personal information will be stored on file in a safe and secure place. Our practices are compliant with local laws and regulations and for more information on the same, we request you to refer to our Privacy Policy and Data Protection Declaration. 

IndemnityYou agree to indemnify and hold harmless VLC and its directors, officers, employees, agents, consultants, volunteers, subsidiaries, parents, successors, contractors, affiliates, and others associated with VLC from any and all liability, or claims of liability, resulting from Practitioner’s actions or alleged actions. 

Dispute Resolution: In case of any dispute, we shall amicably settle such disputes between each other. However, in case any such act/omission done which may be seen as an attempt to disrupt the process and decorum per se of the sessions then appropriate legal measures shall be taken.


If you have any questions about your session or the above information, please contact us at help@vitalitylivingcollege.info.

It can be applied to business, work, and relationships, as well as creating personal satisfaction. 

This course is ideal for:

  • ANYONE on a personal development and self-help journey and want to create the life they want,
  • Managers and leaders who wish to coach themselves and their staff at work,
  • HR professionals, trainers, consultants and coaches who wish to add a coaching system to their existing programs,
  • Entrepreneurs, business owners, and ambitious, success-oriented professionals,
  • Healers, practitioners, therapists, medical health professionals, doctors, nurses, and counselors,
  • Those wanting to work professionally as life coaches, trainers, therapeutic coaches, corporate coaches, or business coaches.
After 7 days of intensive training with Dr Rangana Rupavi Choudhuri (PhD), 5 qualifications are awarded:
  • NLP Diploma,
  • NLP Practitioner,
  • Breakthrough Coaching,
  • Timeline Technology,
  • Hypnosis Practitioner +
  • Free membership of online and SMS support groups,
  • All lunches and refreshments,
  • Invitation to form a Momentum Group in your city.

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