
Matrix Buckinghamshire

Matrix Reimprirnting Training Seminars Buckinghamshire

Matrix Reimprinting 2 day Foundational: Sat July 26th – Sun July 27th
Matrix Reimprinting 2 day Practitioner: Mon July 28th – 29th
Matrix 4 day intensive with foundational and Practitioner skills: Sat July 26th – Tues July 29
Latimar House, Chesham, Buckinghamshire HP5 1UG (on Metropolitan line Chalfont & Latimar or off the M25 at Junction 18)

matrix logoMatrix Reimprinting is very quick and effective at creating transformations in health, wellness, relationships, career, money and spirituality.

In Buckinghamshire (north of London) we offer a Matrix Reimprinting 4 day transformational training program with international certification.

Training can be as a part of a personal development/self healing program or to become qualified as a Practitioner and earn a living by making a difference to other people’s lives.

Completion of EFT1 & 2 is necessary before attending Matrix Reimprinting. If you are new to EFT you can join the 7 day program EFT 1 & 2 and Matrix Transform Program in Buckinghamshire (more details below).

Benefits of Matrix Reimprinting Techniques:

  • Very easy to use and gentle on clients
  • Quickly find core issues, related trauma and beliefs
  • Locate and resolve early trauma (pre 6 years) often beyond client’s awareness and conscious memory
  • Allow client-driven reframes and cognitive shifts
  • Locate psychological reversal, secondary gains etc
  • Work even on dissociated clients and those who can’t tune into the emotion of traumatic events
  • Allow forgiveness and wisdom to be gained from past events
  • Send a message to the body/cells/DNA the trauma is over
  • Resource the client and rewrite the past
  • Naturally utilize the law of attraction in a very powerful way
  • Create positive beliefs

Matrix poster UK A3

More details on the contents of the 4 day Matrix reimprinting training is below.

During the first 2 days foundational you will learn how to:

  • What is Matrix Reimprinting and how does it work?
  • Uncovering past ECHOs (trauma frozen in time), even pre-conscious one’s
  • The importance of the heart in creating fields and heart math meditation
  • Clearing powerlessness, helplessness, shock and pre-conscious traumas
  • Going from ECHO to ECHO safely
  • How to work with a single moment from a past event or a whole memory
  • Uncovering pre-conscious trauma
  • Clearing limiting beliefs and combing with the law of attractions
  • Root out limiting beliefs creating empowering beliefs
  • Understand the science of quantum physics as related to Matrix Reimprinting
  • Identify fields and the 3 keys to healing as per Dr Rober Scaer

During the additional 2 days speciality training, with Practitioner track, you will learn how to work with real life challenges and how to:

  • Clear relationship challenges and inner conflicts
  • Eliminate Fears, phobias and allergies
  • Get to the real root cause of an issue
  • Discover your life’s purpose
  • Re-enginner the past
  • Matrix Future Reimprinting
  • Resolve long standing issues, patterns and limitations
  • Combine the law of attraction with EFT
  • Matrix Re-birthing and life re-purposing
  • Create a compelling future and manifest it

Completion of EFT Level 1 & 2 is necessary before attending Matrix Reimprirnting 4 day training. Practitioner certificate is automatically awarded after the 4 days if you are already an EFT Practitioner or on becoming an EFT Practitioner.

If you have completed EFT 1 & 2 training you can directly book onto Matrix Reimprinting training. If you are new to EFT then book onto the 7 day EFT-Matrix package which includes EFT 3 day course (EFT 1 & 2) & Matrix Reimprinting 4 day training. More details on Book me.

Watch, read and experience what other people has to say about training with Vitality Living College. Learn what thought leaders like Deepak Chopra, Bruce Lipton & Wayne Dyer feel about EFT and the reason it is regarded as such a powerful technique.

Rangana-ChoudhuriThe training will be provided by Trainer of Trainers, Dr Rangana Rupavi Choudhuri (PhD). She is an international speaker as well owner and founder of Vitality Living College conducting trainings around the world in EFT, NLP, Hypnosis, Journey work and Timeline therapy.

All the training courses are highly interactive with live demonstrations, practice sessions and experiential learning that means each person will leave knowing the technique inside out being able to use with ease and confidence the very next day.

The investment includes:
  • 4 days training with Trainer of Trainer Dr Rangana Rupavi Choudhuri
  • Over 100 page manual of training slides and background reading
  • In class practice sessions as well as live demonstrations during the training
  • Course attendance certificate and Practitioner certificate for those who are already EFT Practitioners and successfully complete the course
  • Free Membership of Vitality Living College Alumni with invitations to on-going re-unions and swap groups
  • Free Membership of www.matrixreimprinting.com and on successful completion invitation to be listed as a Practitioner
  • On-line access to tapping sequences, audio programs and videos
  • Complimentary Membership of facebook EFT support group with the ability to get facebook mentoring
  • All lunches and refreshments

Special package offer for all 4 days: The 4 day intensive package, including foundational and practitioner training, is available for only £495. If you book in advance, before May 30th, you can qualify for special early bird discount at £395 for all 4 days, that is less than £99 per day and includes all manuals, certification, lunches and refreshments.

Matrix Reimprinting foundational (the first 2 days) can be attended for only £295 or £195 special early bird discount, if booked by May 30th 2014. If you have already completed Matrix Reimpritning foundational training then the remaining 2 days Practitioner training can be attended for only £395 or £295 special early bird discount, if booked by May 30th 2014.

Those new to EFT are invited to complete 7 days training with 3 days EFT Training and 4 days Matrix Reimprinting Training. The full investment is £795 and if booked before May 30th can be secured for only £640. You are welcome to also join for the first 5 days, i.e 3 days EFT Training and the first 2 day foundational Matrix Reimprinting training at only £595 and if booked before May 30th can be secured for only £490.

Those who have completed training with another certified trainer may attend for only 50% of the full price.

Previous students may join for only £25 per day which includes all refreshments and lunches.

Please read the full terms and conditions applicable for this Seminar as well as early bird discount.

PwC's stately home - Latimer HouseProgram: Matrix Reimprinting 4 day intensive with Dr Rangana Rupavi Choudhuri (Phd).

Dates: Saturday July 26th – Tuesday July 29th

Timings: 9.45 am – 6.30 pm daily

Venue and address: Latimar House, Chesham, Buckinghamshire HP5 1UG (on Metropolitan line Chalfont & Latimar or off the M25). The venue is set amongst 30 acres of land in the Chesham valley and has a gym, swimming pool and countryside walks.

Location: Please go to Google maps for the exact location. The closest landmarks, airports and stations are:

  • Nearest airport: Heathrow Airport (25 miles) & Luton (15 miles)
  • Nearest main-line train station: Chalfont & Latimar (Metropolitan line)
  • Nearest metro/underground station: Chalfont & Latimar (Metropolitan line)

For full directions  by car, road and station please go to the Latimar House directions web page.

Accommodation: Is not included for the 3 days.  Please go on-line at booking or e-mail LReservations@deverevenues.co.uk or phone 01494 545504 to secure the best available rate. At times cheaper rates may be available at booking.com.

To book onto EFT Level 1 & 2 in Latimar House Buckimghamshire please fill in the registration form and e-mail it to help@vitalitylivingcollege.info or book on-line

For our latest schedule of free seminars, certified trainings and transformational workshops around the world go to Book me.

To stay connected with us and to know more about upcoming events it is best to like the Vitality Living College facebook page.
