
Become An EFT Advanced Practitioner & Help Others Transform

Special Offer Closes On 1st July 2024


Imagine this.. you have already learnt EFT and you love it.

You love how EFT works and the results you get with your case study & professional clients. 

But somewhere there are some clients you get stuck with ...

Or you have outgrown the basic EFT Skills and it's time to up your game and learn the EFT Advanced Skills which give rapid results. 

Maybe you feel confined by the repetition of EFT and want to learn how to combine intuition with EFT and cutting through issues like a laser to get to the heart of any matter.

Perhaps your clients are stuck in old repetitive patterns and unconscious blocks once uncovered would unveil wholeness, peace and abundance. 

During EFT Advanced  Practitioner Training you will learn how to:

  • Get faster results with EFT
  • Identify underpinning sabotage patterns
  • Unblock unconscious limitations & inner conflicts
  • Heal blocks to success, to manifest health, confidence, abundance and wholeness.

This course is ideal for anyone who has completed EFT Level 2 training and wants to deepen their experience and mastery of EFT, enabling long lasting results by facilitating  deep rooted clearing of any issue.

During the course you will learn how to integrate creativity, intuition and EFT Advanced and foundational techniques seamlessly.

EFT Level 3 training is about transitioning EFT from a science into an art effortlessly identifying underpinning core issues and resolving them.

The EFT Advanced Practitioner Training Program Can Be Part Of A :

Personal development and self-healing program

To become an Internationally Certified EFT Advanced Practitioner

As a Practitioner make a difference to others and earn living

EFT has been clinically proven to lower stress, anxiety, tension, and depression to enable health, happiness and vitality.

The initial part of the training is covered over 3 days and you will learn how to access wholeness, confidence and peace:

  • Identifying core issues and how to resolve them
  • Uncover silent sabotage patterns
  • Combine intuition with creativity
  • Manifest abundance as a Practitioner
  • Faster results with physical and emotional challenges 

  • Is an EFT Practitioner and or
  • Completed EFT Practitioner Training
  • At least 3 one to one case study client sessions.

You Will Learn How To:   

Get to the root cause

Uncover silent sabotage

Manifest abundance

Experience wholeness  

Those who attend training, experience healing, personal transformation, and positive changes.

Our qualifying EFT Practitioners get higher fee-paying clients as a result of the faster results.

The benefits include but are certainly not limited to:

  • Eliminating physical pain - Dr Rajesh CM's back pain disappeared after 20 mins and one year later he was still pain-free;
  • Weight loss - After years of trying, Avni Radia became motivated to stick to a health plan and lost 20 kg in weight; 
  • Overcoming illness - Sejal Mehta's 7 month old chronic muscle pain (fibromyalgia) disappeared by Day 2 of the seminar;
  • Stopping cravings - Working mom Emma Voss overcame her chocolate and biscuit cravings and dropped a dress size;
  • Defeating phobias - Marie Christie and Nihal Masarathulla, cured their phobias of closed spaces (claustrophobia);
  • Speaking with ease in public - Michael Sciaraffa and Ashish Piyasi overcame their fear of public speaking;
  • Combating past trauma -  Yoga Teacher Sadhana Batouri made peace with her past experiences in Iraq;
  • Letting go of stress and anxiety  - Sreekumar Rajagopalan let go of emotional pain and could breathe easily after 28 years;
  • Helping children thrive at school- Psychotherapist Nalini Kannan found that children lose their negative thoughts and beliefs;
  • Parents help their children heal - Davinder Kaur Anand helped her son to overcome a learning difficulty; 
  • Increase high fee-paying clients - Corporate Trainer Neeraj Kumar gets faster results with his executive clients;
  • Earn a living as a Practitioner  - Jayant Pawar doubled his fee paying client’s as a result of adding EFT to his offering;
  • Therapists get quicker patient results - Psychotherapist Father Leo finds faster results with EFT versus traditional therapy.

Client's Negative Emotions are Released Much Faster

EFT is a great therapy in itself. It is quick as it works by balancing the client's energy system. Negative emotions are released much faster and through a safe mechanism, which provides the client much relief in just a couple of sessions. I have been using it with my clients and all of them have found it to be an effective technique; most of them see immediate results. It is highly recommended.

Anushri Shah , Counseling Psychologist

All the training courses are highly interactive with live demonstrations, practice sessions and experiential learning that means each person will leave knowing the technique inside out and able to use with ease and confidence the very next day.

Live Demonstrations 

Practice Sessions

Experiential Learning

Relaxation Sessions 


“Put away your skepticism, this really works. I have … had great results with tapping in my own life”

Dr. Wayne W. Dyer - Author of ‘Wishes Fulfilled’

“Have you tried Tapping? I truly believe that it is a wonderful and life-changing tool. If you’re not familiar with the technique, it is a wonderful tool that works on a variety of issues, from pain relief, physical issues, and weight loss to attracting abundance, clearing limiting beliefs and healing the past.Tapping is a powerful tool that can truly heal, allowing forgiveness, love, and acceptance into your life, particularly when used along with affirmations.”

Louise Hay - author ‘You Can Heal Your Life’

“EFT is a simple, powerful process that can profoundly influence gene activity, health and behavior. What’s interesting about EFT is that it is a process that really, in some sense engages… like super learning. And super learning is like pushing the record button on the subconscious mind.”

Bruce Lipton - Author of “The Biology of Belief”

“EFT produces great healing benefit”

Deepak Chopra - MD, Author, Mind body spirit Expert

“I have been Tapping for years and have found it to be a pivotal tool in creating the life of my dreams. This information is essential if you want to live your best life!”

Jack Canfield - Co-author of the “Chicken Soup for the Soul” series and one of the stars in “The Secret”

“EFT is easy, effective, and produces amazing results. I think it should be taught in elementary school”

Donna Eden - Author ‘Energy Medicine’

“EFT is destined to be the top healing tool for the 21st century.”

Cheryl Richardson - Author ‘Take time for your life’

“By removing emotional trauma EFT helps physical symptoms too”

Norman Shealy - MD

“I’ve used Tapping for years and highly recommend it!”

Joe Vitale - Author and one of the stars in “The Secret

“As a practicing psychiatrist with over 25 years of clinical experience, I see EFT as the most promising new treatment I’ve ever encountered…”

Eric Leskowitz - M.D. Director of Integrative Medicine Task Force, Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital

“I frequently use EFT with my patients with great results”

Eric Robbins - MD

It can be applied to business, work, and relationships, as well as creating personal satisfaction. 

This course is ideal for:

  • ANYONE on a personal development and self-help journey and want to create the life they want,
  • Managers and leaders who wish to coach themselves and their staff at work,
  • HR professionals, trainers, consultants and coaches who wish to add a coaching system to their existing programs,
  • Entrepreneurs, business owners, and ambitious, success-oriented professionals,
  • Healers, practitioners, therapists, medical health professionals, doctors, nurses, and counselors,
  • Those wanting to work professionally as life coaches, trainers, therapeutic coaches, corporate coaches, or business coaches.
After 7 days of intensive training with Dr Rangana Rupavi Choudhuri (PhD), 5 qualifications are awarded:
  • NLP Diploma,
  • NLP Practitioner,
  • Breakthrough Coaching,
  • Timeline Technology,
  • Hypnosis Practitioner +
  • Free membership of online and SMS support groups,
  • All lunches and refreshments,
  • Invitation to form a Momentum Group in your city.

 You Will Find The Training:





About The Trainer 

Dr Rangana Rupavi Choudhuri (PhD)  is founder of Vitality living College and EFT Accredited Master Trainer of Trainers. Dr Choudhuri has shared EFT & Matrix Reimprinting with thousands of clients worldwide resulting in healing from depression, physical pain, cravings, over-weight, heart-break, grief, anger, fear and stress to create happiness, health and vitality. She is passionate about health, peak performance and spirituality and is a dynamic and engaging speaker delivering quick and lasting results.

Our Next EFT Practitioner Training Program 

EFT Advanced Practitioner Training (Level 3) Certification  Program 

Trainer: Dr Rangana Rupavi Choudhuri (PhD)

Training Dates: 

  • EFT Advanced Foundational: 30th September – 3rd October & 7th – 10th October 2024 (Monday – Thursday)
  • EFT Advanced Practitioner: 14th – 17th & 21st – 24th October 2024 (Monday– Thursday)
  • EFT Advanced Supervision & Mentoring: 14th, 21st, 28th November, 5th, 12th, 19th December 2024 (Thursdays)


  • 10 am - 2.30 pm BST / 9 am - 1.30 pm GMT (From 14th November timing moves 1 hour backwards) UK
  • 5 am - 9.30 am EDT / 4 am - 8.30 am EST (From 14th November timing moves 1 hour backwards) US
  • 11 am - 3.30 pm CEST / 10 am - 2.30 am CET (From 14th November timing moves 1 hour backwards) EU
  • 4 pm - 8.30 pm ICT Thailand
  • 1 pm - 5.30 pm GST UAE
  • 12 pm - 4.30 pm EEST/ 11 am - 3.30 pm EET (From 14th November timing moves 1 hour backwards) Egypt
  • 12 pm - 4.30 pm AST Saudi Arabia
  • 5 pm - 9.30 pm SGT Singapore
  • 7 pm - 11.30 pm AEST Australia
  • 2.30 - 7 pm IST India / Sri Lanka

Online Location: Via Zoom Link to be provided on booking via WhatsApp Group & E-mail


  • Has completed EFT Practitioner Training and at least case studies and or; 
  • Is a qualified EFT Practitioner

How To Get Certified?

EFT Certified Advanced Practitioner Certificate is awarded on successful completion of the following within one year of attending training:

  • The  EFT Advanced Practitioner training;
  • The pre-certification supervision (27 hours included);
  • An open book multiple-choice exam;
  • 50 practice hours of one-to-one sessions with a minimum of 20 clients;
  • Submission of 18 case studies with intake forms of minimum one hour each (6 sessions per client);
  • Submission of 6 case studies on self 
  • Submission of a video with transcript of using the EFT 3 skills is required.
  • A one page review of your EFT Journey, aka Practice Review;
  • Commitment to continuing professional development (CPD), supervision/mentoring hours, and code of conduct;
  • Keep an annual log of the CPD and supervision/mentoring hours with trainer;
  • Re-attend EFT Advanced Practitioner Training as a review student/assist team before being awarded EFT Advanced Practitioner

You will be awarded an EFT International EFT Advanced Practitioner Certificate & will have an option to be independently accredited by the EFT International too.

As training is being conducted by EFT International Master Trainer of Trainers, Dr Rangana Rupavi Choudhuri (PhD), you are eligible to apply to become an Accredited practitioner with the independent organisation EFT International, formerly AAMET (Association of the Advancement of Meridian Therapies).

Additional charges apply for the online exam and registration on the EFT International site. There is a special code for India for 50% off the full pricing which is provided on completing the course.

So What's Included In The EFT Advanced Practitioner Training Program 

PART 1: EFT Advanced Training Module 1

Module 1 of the  course curriculum includes:

  • Identifying core issues and how to resolve them
  • Being flexible and creative with the EFT set up and phrases
  • Re-framing old issues and pre-framing
  • How to use intuition and creativity
  • Resolving conflicts energy blocks with role play tapping
  • Completing the in-take for clients

At the end of training you will receive a certificate of attendance.

Value: £300 GBP / $384 USD

PART 2: EFT Advanced Training Module 2

Module 2 of the  course curriculum includes:

  • Uncovering secondary gains and moving from pain to pleasure
  • Advanced rapport, calibration, questioning and choices
  • Resolving inner conflicts and how to integrate parts with opposing beliefs 
  • Shadow work and uncovering deep rooted patterns and blocks
  • Uncovering and integrating limiting parts
  • Awareness of sub-personalities and archetypes

At the end of training you will receive a certificate of attendance.

Value: £300 GBP / $384 USD

PART 3: EFT Advanced Training Module 3

Module 3 of the course curriculum includes:

  • The power of questions to uncover the underlying issue
  • Working with serious diseases and chronic conditions
  • Unstructured tapping transitioning from science to art
  • Ways to work with the inner/wounded child
  • Uncover and clear silent saboteurs and blocks to abundance
  • How to use EFT for peak performance
  • Business success and energy marketing
  • The value of forgiveness and love

Value: £300 GBP / $384 USD

PART 4: Supervision & Mentoring

27 hours supervision and mentoring* is to support you step into you confidence as a Practitioner where you:

  • Share client cases, learn & feel reassured 
  • Develop a plan for improvement areas
  • Have a safe and confidential space to share 
  • Feel supported and keep building your ability
  • Enable another perspective to be shared
  • Learn about professional working standards

Value: £300 GBP / $384 USD

*Each session builds on the previous one, which means if one session is missed, then Supervision needs to be repeated in order from the session you missed 

PART 5: Three one to one sessions & Three Supervised calls with a Practitioner

You will be matched up with a Practitioner who has the experience to work with you and they will also be your mentor through the program.

You get to receive 3 confidential sessions with a senior practitioner and will experience the whole Advanced Practitioner process.

Additionally you will get 3 supervised calls by your senior practitioner while working with a case study client

Value: £550 GBP / $704 USD

PART 6:  EFT Advanced Training Portal

Lifetime access* to videos from past trainings where you can refresh your skills, complete the self help exercises and continue on your inner healing and transformation journey. Plus access the videos from your training and all future trainings.

Each lesson has a video training & resources to master your skills for personal development and deepen your learnings on your Journey to becoming a Practitioner.

Value: £600 GBP / $768 USD

PART 7: EFT Masterclass

On launch access to a monthly Masterclass for 12 months on EFT covering specialty topics, for example: 

  1. Diabetes
  2. Depression
  3. Autoimmune
  4. Cancer
  5. PCOS & Thyroid
  6. Addictions
  7. Physical & Sexual Abuse
  8. Trauma & PTSD
  9. Chronic fatigue
  10. Physical pain
  11. Illness
  12. Special needs children -

Value: £1200 GBP / $1536 USD

PART 8: Manuals & Worksheets

You will have access to over 100 pages of manuals with worksheets, checklists and quizzes to support you on your inner development journey. 

The manuals serve as a library of information which you can access digitally anytime. In the front of the manual is the background reading and in the back of the manual are the slides from training.

Value: £350 GBP / $448 USD

PART 9: EFT Advanced Support  

Lifetime access to a community of like-minded people. In-between the live calls you share insights, learnings, ask questions and participate in the daily practices to keep getting unstuck and unleashing your dreams! 

This is where you make friends and buddies for life. We become part of a family with personal growth enthusiasts and fellow helping professionals.

Value: £550 GBP / $704 USD

PART 10: Certification & Full Review

Full review of all your case studies, multiple choice, practice sessions and 1 hour long video. 

On passing the case studies, practice sessions, multiple choice, attendance of supervision mentoring & commitment to code of conduct and on-going continuing professional development EFT Practitioner Certification is awarded.

Value: £400 GBP / $512 USD

A TOTAL VALUE OF £5450 GBP / $6976 USD

But the good news is, for you, it's not £5450 GBP / $6976 USD ...

.... but only £4500 GBP / $5760 USD

..but there is more..for those who can book straightaway ...

I've created pricing options and payment plans to support you fully during the current economic climate so that you can access this program in the most affordable way, along with lifetime access.


NORMALLY £3500 GBP / $4480 USD

3 monthly payments of

£1100 GBP / $1408 USD

1  payment of

£3000 GBP / $3840 USD

Sign up within the next 1 hour and you can also access these bonuses which will support you to feel confident in your ability as an EFT Practitioner, help your get your first paid client & give you the training to share EFT with anyone, even skeptics as you will be armed with the science, clinical studies & experience.



Monthly Trainings to Master EFT

Each month a new topic will be covered, for example:

  • How to  work with stress & tension
  • Interview with a practitioner or a  special topic
  • How to work with a challenging client
  • Skills re-cap and practice sessions
  • How to work with a client in a real life situation versus practicing different techniques


How to get your first paid client & share EFT with groups of people

You  will have access to an on-line module on how to:

  • Get paying client's
  • Share your EFT story with groups of people
  • Introduce EFT to groups of people who want to become your clients
  • Find your unique gift with EFT and use that to reach more people
  • Become a local Ambassador and expert for EFT.


The Clinical Evidence & Science Behind EFT

On-line training where you will learn about:

  • The science behind EFT 
  • The clinical studies that support EFT
  • The studies that show how EFT is effective for phobias,  depressions, PTSD, healing trauma, mental health, wellbeing & weight loss
  • How to have confidence in EFT: that it works and how it works


Re-Attend & Assist EFT Advanced Practitioner

Refresh your skills & help new students attending training:

The best form of mastery is to share your skills with other people: to support, observe and reflect on where you are strong and where improvement is needed. Sometimes when you attend the initial training it can feel like all the concepts are being taught and you need time to digest and practice. *charges only apply for lunches for face to face training. 

Details About The Curriculum  


  • MODULE 1

  • MODULE 2

  • MODULE 3


Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Advanced Practitioner Training (Level 3)


  • Has completed EFT Practitioner Training and at least case studies and or;
  • Is a qualified EFT Practitioner

The course curriculum includes:

  • Identifying core issues and how to resolve them
  • Uncover underpinning silent sabotage patterns
  • Resolve inner conflicts and blocks to success
  • Combine intuition with creativity
  • Manifest abundance as a Practitioner
  • Faster results with physical and emotional challenges 

Feel Happy & Healthy

Earn a living

Make a difference 

Become qualified

Cannot make EFT Advanced Practitioner Training ? Just email us at india@vitalitylivingcollege.info to express interest in the next one.
