
Congratulations, you have successfully registered for the

EFT Freedom Tapathon , from 1-21st January 2023

Tap into self love, self healing and personal peace

You can add yourself straight-away to the Facebook and WhatsApp Groups.

Begin by introducing your self on the Facebook Groups.

We will open up the WhatsApp Group closer the time. 

You will find a registration e-mail in your in-box within 15 minutes.

On the email you will also find a booklet, Heal Your Emotions to Heal Life, as well as all the details on next steps.

Follow the steps below:


Go to
Your Email Inbox

Go to the inbox of the email address you just used to register. If its not in your in-box, check your spam/junk box and add the e-mail id india@vitalitylivingcollege.info to your address book.


Open the
Registration Email

Find the email sent by us. It has the subject line You are Registered -  EFT Tapathon January 2023 and is sent from

“Vitality Living College (india@vitalitylivingcollege.info)”.

One of our team angels will be in touch should any further clarification be required on your booking.

You will get a series of final confirmation e-mail's prior to the Training Seminar, including a phone call and WhatsApp/SMS messages from either +919920454749 or +919820974625.  

Details on dates, timings and locations

EFT Freedom Tapathon Online:

Trainer: Dr Rangana Rupavi Choudhuri (PhD

Dates: 1st January - 21st January 2023


• 7 - 9 pm IST
• 1:30 pm - 3.30 pm GMT
• 8:30 - 10:30 am EST
• 9:30 - 11:30 pm SGT
• 2:30 - 4:30 pm CET

Location: Via Zoom Calls

The password will be provided one day before training and 15 minutes prior via e-mail and WhatsApp for speed and convenience. 

The following will be covered day by day:

Day 1 - Introduction to EFT tapping

Day 2 - Releasing Anger

Day 3 - Embracing Fear

Day 4 - Healing Sadness

Day  5 - Overcoming Hurt

Day 6 - Freeing Guilt

Day 7 - Grief & Loss

Day 8 - Anxiety

Day  9 - Worry

Day 10 - Betraylal 

Day 11 - Resentment

Day 12 - Frustration

Day 13 - Irritation

Day 14 - Powerlessness 

Day 15 - Helplessness

Day 16 - Self Confidence

Day 17 - Self Love

Day 18 - Self Power

Day 19 - Happiness

Day 20 - Joy

Day 21 - Integration

Copyright 2022 by  Vitality Living College & Dr Rangana Rupavi Choudhuri (PhD)  I Privacy Policy I Disclaimer
