
Rangana Choudhuri

Personal words and thoughts from eminent personalities about Dr Rangana Rupavi Chudhuri

Elham33“Dr Rangana Choudhuri was born to be on stage! She has an absolutely natural talent for communicating with large groups of people in a way that comes from the heart and is totally captivating. She will inspire you!”  Dr Elham Kashfi


“Dr Rangana Choudhuri has an excellent stage presence and professionalism. The timing and subject matter were spot on. Added to all this, her super energy and enthusiasm made the time fly by. I felt uplifted and energised at the end, as well as having tools to use later. Bravo! I look forward to being able to attend more of her presentations in the future.”  Sally Wigmore

 “After one session of EFT Rangana not only arrested the panic attack’s but took me to the root of the problem. I had lost my mother through cancer, my best friend through leukaemia and I had narrowly missed catching HIV. Not only had I felt a failure because I could not save them, I found I had fear of dying myself, which came as a big surprise as I work with the spiritual realm all the time. Another EFT session soon put that right. I felt amazing and grateful for the beautiful life I had been given.” Alva Gilmour, Detox Consultant

“When I got the message that my cancer had recurred.  With all the emotions coming at me. Your calmness, your warmness and professionalism gave me certainty that everything would be ok. We worked through big issues and seemingly small issues that turned out to be core issues, deep rooted trauma that you elegantly lead me through and cleared.” Annelise Helm, Scientist

“I am feeling good and happier then I have ever been without feeling scared and I don’t feel like a victim anymore, hooray!! Its amazing and brilliant, I am more loving, patient, understanding and above all I am not angry anymore, wow!”  Yasmin Maskin Social Worker

“To say my time with Vitality Living was useful would be a huge understatement. My coach, Dr Rangana Choudhuri was focussed, professional, astute and able to help me deal with an issue that had been troubling me for a long time. More importantly it was done in such a calming and exciting way, and in such a short period of time.” Medical Nurse, Paul M

Jessica 66“After one session with Vitality Living I felt totally free from that old issue and able to focus on creating the ideal relationship for me.”
 Counsellor, Jessica T


“Open, caring, very intuitive and connected to what people are thinking. Humorous and I love the spontaneously.”  JL, Kids Coach

Neela“Rangana is a very authentic person; her passion for this work really shows. She has a knack for working through people effortlessly, giving attention to all. Professionally and very skilfully, talented and gets to the core of the issue quickly releasing negative beliefs present effortlessly.” Neela Gohil Coach

“The allowing of all that comes up. The naturalness joy and laughter and sincerity.” SS, Counseller

“Lovely joyful smiles. Warm, kind and thoughtful.” CT, Practitioner

“Genuine, present style” CA , Journey Practitioner

