
How To Stop Addiction With EFT Tapping?

How To Stop Addiction With EFT Tapping Technique

EFT Tapping For Addiction

What is your easiest form of comfort? It can be anything that instantly makes you feel better. However, if the relief you derive is momentary, you are probably an addict. Addiction is compulsive behaviour towards an activity or a substance for the sake of pleasure and enjoyment. In this blog, you will learn more about addiction and how EFT Tapping technique is useful in helping you stop your addiction.  

It has been years since I had the privilege of visiting an addiction centre.

Run by a charity, it was a rehabilitation and recovery centre based in Delhi. The patients staying in this facility started at the age 6.

Those young kids, belonging to low socio-economic backgrounds, were caught on the streets, indulging in some kind of addiction say glue sniffing, cocaine, heroin or drinking.  (As the court mandated their addiction treatment under a rehabilitation centre, this addiction centre in Delhi provided them a roof.)

In order to get the feelings out of the system, their bodies were so accommodated to addiction that they were ready to cut their wrists upon finding a spoon. Many desired injurious reliefs and would find any method to continue the self-harm. 

Why would they not want to stop?

As their addiction has become a compulsion and necessity, they find self-harm satisfying. The option of abusing and intentional injuries helps addicts meet their needs at every level.

If you or your loved one has an addiction that you would like to overcome, this blog will be of immense help. I will discuss with you the major causes one fall prey to addiction, and the recommended ways to deal with it.


Addiction_How To Stop Addiction With EFT Tapping technique

Addiction is defined as not having control over yourself while repetitive use of a potentially harming substance (such as alcohol, drugs, caffeine and tobacco) or overindulgence in an activity (such as video gaming, shopping, social media and gambling) as it induces pleasure and enjoyment but has negative consequences.

There are different types of addictions. The list is as follows:

  • Gambling
  • Drugs
  • Alcohol
  • Food
  • Work
  • Internet
  • Sex
  • Solvents
  • Shopping
  • Self-harm

The whole concept in addictions is of harm.

Addiction is often self-harming and pose threat to your body physiologically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally.

When addiction starts interfering with your responsibilities and hampers your work and relations, you may reach a stage where you are no longer able to control or distinguish between what is right and what is wrong.

Slowly, it becomes a poison that you cannot function without.

Causes of Addiction

Heal causes of addiction with EFT Tapping technique

The medical profession and psychological profession have contrasting views when it comes to causes of addiction. Since addiction can be a result of varying risk factors, given below is the list of most commonly observed causes of addiction:


Past trauma or abuse

Adverse childhood experiences also known as ACEs influence an individual’s physical and emotional health as they grow up. A child may have had traumatic experiences in the following forms:

  • Physical abuse
  • Mental abuse
  • Emotional Neglect
  • Social violence
  • Imprisonment or detention of a relative
  • Divorce leading to parental separation

These adverse childhood experiences put an individual or a child at an increased risk of developing addiction.


Mental illness 

There is a strong linkage between an individual’s mental health and development of an addiction. Because with the presence of mental health disorder, people fall prey to drugs, alcohols and other addictive substances to cope up with the mental health issue at hand. Therefore, those who have mental health challenge have an increased risk of developing an addiction. 


Home and social environment

The social environment standing also influence your decision of developing an addiction. For example, if someone grew up in a family of gangsters where they are exposed to drug deals. They are highly likely to develop an addiction of drugs.

Following groups closely influence the development of an addiction:

  • Peer pressure: “It’s cool to use drugs”
  • Parental drug use
  • Community attitudes and addictions

Therefore, the environmental factors put an individual especially children at risk of developing an addiction.



Use of addictive substance is known to alleviate stress. Therefore, individuals falling prey to drug and alcohol addictions can be driven by stressful circumstances at home or workplace. What people fail to understand is that this response is potentially damaging to their own lives.



The theme of genetics mainly come from medical profession. They believe genes play a crucial role in defining traits of an individual. Therefore, it is moderate to highly heritable from firs-degree relatives struggling with addiction.

There is another school of thought by psychological profession that genetics is not a cause of addiction.

Why do people become addicts? 

Following are the reasons why people choose to become addicts:

To feel good:

People rely on addictive substances to get a feeling of ‘high’ pleasure or intoxication. They are not behind substances they are behind feeling of ‘high’ pleasure. When they do not get it from anywhere, they settle for drugs or alcohol.

To feel better:

While one aspect is peer pressure for school and college kids, another aspect of becoming addicts is to get relief from examination stress or forget relationship problems. When they find that a substance can send them to oblivion, they surrender themselves to it, completely and unconditionally. 

To do better:

Sometimes, addicts rely excessively on substances like coke, caffeine and coffee to clear their foggy thinking and improve their performance. However, they fail to realise that with performance drugs they are increasingly opting for self-harm (because excess of anything is dangerous). In these cases, meditation, yoga and other exercises are an excellent replacement. All these activities especially meditation, stimulate secretion of endorphins which decreases pain and increases feelings of joy and pleasure.


School and college students are often attracted by the buzz of cool kids. In the wake of peer pressure, students seem to fall prey to addiction. This is exactly how even I started smoking as a teen in boarding school. And with all honesty, I did not like it. I am sure there are others who feel the same, yet they smoke to fit in the cool idea of bunch of popular kids.

Different phases of Addiction

Addiction begins casually and experimentally but eventually it progresses into a full-blown addiction.

Given below are the 5 common phases of addiction:



The first step to addiction is trying the substance. For example, smoking the first joint, taking the first drag of a cigarette, or taking a sip of alcohol.


Regular use and abuse:

As you begin using these substances regularly, that substance becomes an important part of your life. Thus, it gets incorporated in your routine activities.


Risky use:

As the usage of substance increases, dangerous behaviours (such as drunk driving) may be exhibited. However, this stage is difficult to determine. What you might think is risky might be normal for the other.



During this stage, you rely on a dangerous amount of these substances just to feel good. If stuck with a mental trauma, the overly reliance and consumption of the substance follows in the hope of forgetting what shame, loneliness and trauma feels like. If treatment options are given at this stage, it is easier to help individuals get out of their dependency (before it turns into an addiction).



This is the stage where reliance on the substance reaches a point where you are unable to function without it, hence turning your dependency into an addiction. Only professional addiction treatment comes handy in case of addiction.

When Dr George Koob Director of NIH, an internationally-recognized expert on alcohol and stress, was asked about psychology behind addiction, here is what he shared,

“A common misperception is that addiction is a choice or moral problem, and all you have to do is stop. But nothing could be further from the truth.” He further explained, “The brain actually changes with addiction, and it takes a good deal of work to get it back to its normal state. The more drugs or alcohol you have taken, the more disruptive it is to the brain.”

As per Dr George Koob’s views, if you look at the brain images of those who consume alcohol repeatedly and uncontrollably, their brain actually shrank.

It is because the part of the brain known as hypothalamus becomes smaller in size.

Nevertheless, the good news is that this effect on brain is reversible. Your brain can actually go back to its original size with discontinuation of addictive patterns.


The warning signs of addictions are as follows:

  • Sleep difficulties
  • Anxiety or depression
  • Memory problems
  • Mood swings (temper flare-ups, irritability, defensiveness)
  • A person not seeming like themselves (showing a general lack of interest or being overly energetic)
  • Rapid increases in the amount of medication needed
  • Frequent requests for refills of certain medicines
  • “Doctor shopping” (moving from provider to provider in an effort to get several prescriptions for the same medication)
  • Use of more than one pharmacy
  • False or forged prescriptions
Stop addiction with EFT Tapping technique

When in dependence or addiction phase, these are the common symptoms of substance abuse:

  • Impaired control 
    • A craving or strong urge to use the substance
    • Failed attempts to cut down or control substance use
  • Social problems 
    • Failure to complete major tasks at work, school or home
    • Social, work or leisure activities given up or cut back (because of substance use)
  • Risky use
    • Substance used in risky settings
    • Continued use of substance despite known problems and side-effects
  • Drug effects
    • Need of larger amounts to get the same effect


How To Stop Addiction With EFT Tapping technique

Is it easy for addicts to fight against addiction?

Just like it is not easy for someone to exercise and workout if they have never experienced walking, it is not easy for addicts to find peace within healthy resources and fight back unhealthy addiction.

Non-addicts are non-addicts because they choose to water their good thoughts. They decide to opt for healthy resources that increases longevity of life.

Similarly, addicts are addicts because they have not gotten access within themselves through healthy resources. They will require all the strength and courage within themselves to take that first step.

What an addict need is to understand they can stimulate pleasure in themselves without relying on substances. When this understanding transpires, they do not find the need to engage in addictions.

When addicts do this, what you can do is reward them for taking the first step. Transformation lasts longer with reward and punishment. Punishment creates quicker transformation but rewards create longer transformation.

This instance with help you explore and understand the psychology behind addiction:

Once I visited an orphanage in Lucknow. Ravi, the founder of that orphanage, rescued kids from the streets who were found indulging in wrong habits (begging, stealing and other unhealthy addictions). From warm food to comfortable beds, he provided them the access to all basic human needs.

A strange observation caught the eyes of his team. Despite shelter and roof above their heads, at the end of the day, these kids were finding their way back to streets. They were willing not staying in the orphanage because streets felt familiar, and they felt safe there. 

Only when he embarked a program for emotional and mental health of these kids, they stayed back. The program supported them psychologically whereby these kids started to explore the following:

  • What is it that is keeping them on the street?
  • What are some of the traumas they have experienced in life?
  • What are some of the emotional and mental challenges they have experienced?
  • Why were there overwhelmed with the idea of staying in a safe and comfortable home?

As Ravi and his team explored deeper, psychological and mental challenges with the kids, they willingly abandoned streets and found their home in orphanage. Balls fall in the court of Ravi’s team. These kids let go of their past trauma and begin to develop their self-esteem, confidence and happiness.

I had a fortune of joining these kids in Christmas celebrations. They have healed from their addictions and emotional traumas to a level that they came up on the stage and confidently performed a play on the emotional challenges they went through. As a healer and therapist myself, I could not be more happier seeing them happy, joyous and loved.


Do you want to identify the emotions underlying your addictive behaviour?

There is a technique called Emotional Freedom Techniques where you can tap away from all deep-seated emotions, worries and thoughts. With EFT Tapping, you gently tap on acupressure points with fingertips while speaking out statements loud to accept situations.

You can also use this technique to overcome harmful habits and addictions that are otherwise difficult to let go.

Download the free EFT Tapping booklet below and experience the power of EFT Tapping first-hand.

New to EFT? Learn how Emotional Freedom Technique Tapping heals.

Emotional Freedom Techniques (tapping) is clinically proven to lower stress, tension, anxiety, past-trauma to enable health, happiness and vitality.

If you are an addict yourself or healing a client, the following is a sample procedure to overcome addiction to alcohol:

Step 1:

Identify any triggers

Identify and explore what triggers your addiction to alcohol by asking yourself the following questions:

  • How long have you been drinking?
  • Who else in your family has been drinking?
  • What happened the last time you tried to quit?
  • What loss/emptiness are you trying to fill with drinking?
  • What emotions are you trying to avoid by drinking?
  • What would you focus on if you did not obsess about drinking?

Step 2:

Measure your addiction

Measure the level of the addiction on a scale of 1-10 by asking, 

" What number is the addiction to alcohol at, where 10 is really high and 1 is not high at all."

Step 3:

Start tapping on the side of your hand

Begin tapping on the Karate Chop and say:

“Even though I feel so many losses inside and find the need to consume alcohol, and I can feel it in my ….. and it is at a number ….. and it makes me feel ….., I deeply and completely love and accept myself."

Repeat this 3 times.

Step 4:

Tap on the body points

Now, tap on the facial and upper body points using the reminder phrases:

  • Eyebrow: I feel like consuming alcohol because ... (incident/event/memory name)
  • Side of the Eye: Number ... (SUDs)
  • Under the Eye: So ... (feeling or sensation)
  • Under the Nose: Makes me feel so ... (feeling or sensation)
  • Chin: This ... (incident/event/memory name)
  • Collarbone: It makes me feel so ... (feeling or sensation)
  • Thumb: I just feel so ... (feeling or sensation)
  • Index Finger: In the ... (location)
  • Middle Finger: This ... (incident/event/memory name)
  • Little Finger: So ... (feeling or sensation)

Step 5:

Close the sequence

End the sequence by tapping on the side of your hand again and say,

“Even though I feel so many losses inside and find the need to consume alcohol, and I can feel it in my ….. and it is at a number ….. and it makes me feel ….., I deeply and completely love and accept myself."

Step 6:


Take a deep breath and relax. Take a sip of water.

Step 7:


At the end of the sequence, test yourself by asking:

  • “What intensity is this the urge to consume alcohol at?”

If it has reduced to a level you feel happy with, you can stop. If you want it to reduce further, repeat this process by going back to Step 1.

Things to avoid with addicts (EFT Tapping technique)

If you are a family member or a therapist of an addict, avoid the following when interacting with them:

  • Do not preach: Do not lecture, threaten, bribe, preach or moralise.
  • Do not be a martyr: Avoid emotional appeals. Sometimes, parents say “As a result of your addiction habit, I will become depressed.” This is the worst appeal you can make to an addict as that may only increase feelings of guilt and the compulsion to drink or use other drugs.
  • Do not cover up: Do not lie or make excuses for his or her behaviour. It is better to get the truth out in open.
  • Do not assume their responsibilities: To protect them from the consequences, avoid assuming their responsibilities.
  • Do not argue when using a substance: Avoid arguing with the person when they are using alcohol or high on drugs. At that given point of time, they cannot have a rational conversation and situation can rather escalate out of control.
  • Do not feel guilty: It is not your fault that they are resorting to addiction. Do not held yourself responsible for their behaviour.
  • Do not join them: Never try to keep up with them by opting for their form of addiction (drinking or using a substance).

1. Some of us use alcohol as a punishment, while others use it as a reward. Where does that difference come from? What is the reason someone would punish themselves in this way?

Nobody likes being an addict. An addict uses a substance repeatedly and to their own detriment to escape their pain, be it alcohol or something else. Addicts are usually in a lot of pain because the condition they are in sometimes becomes unbearable for them. They punish themselves because they do not know what else to do. So, they keep using for that small bit of temporary relief the substance gives them. Overcoming addiction is a very complex process which requires external help in most cases. The person needs to be made aware that they can have a life without suffering and abuse.

2. Why do so many addicts become abusive? Do they become that way because of the pleasure they get from it?

It is not about pleasure as much as it is about escaping the pain. Addicts are usually in a lot of pain because the condition they are in sometimes becomes unbearable for them. They do not want to be addicts. Their actions are motivated by wanting to ease their suffering. Sometimes, they also do it to vent their painful emotions. That is why when we treat a person who thinks they are suffering, the first thing we get rid of is the idea of suffering because it is an illusion and in reality, they are only suffering in their mind.

3. Someone I know is an alcoholic and says and does inappropriate things. We have set a boundary that he cannot come over until he stops drinking. This triggers him and he has become more abusive. How do we deal with this?

The reason he might have become more abusive is that setting these boundaries triggered his feeling of being unwanted. That does not mean that you should not set boundaries for the sake of the safety of other members of the family. Just have clear communication with the person and let him know why you are doing it and with what intentions. This communication will also hint to them that they need to have some separate space without the family, in a community, where they can recover and get better. If they still do not stop, they might need external professional help or have to get sectioned. Choosing to go to rehab voluntarily is the most helpful for a person who is suffering from addiction. However, if they have started causing harm and discomfort to other members of the family and are reluctant to get professional help, they might have to be sent to an enforced environment.

4. What makes addicts behave differently in different environments? For example, someone I know behaves normally at work and anyone who met him in that environment would be surprised that he is an addict.

It is important to understand that one is their truest self in the environment where one feels safe. So, we show our true nature to the ones we love and feel safe with. It is possible that they behave differently in front of their family and not in front of their colleagues at work because they are connected to one and not the other.


For a non-addicted lifestyle, all you need is the will to fight back against addiction.

With EFT Tapping, you can refocus your mind and win over harmful addictive behaviour. It is a technique that complements your efforts in fighting back all negatives and accepting who you really are.  

Thus, the light at the end of the tunnel for addicts is EFT Tapping for addiction relief.

Continue to learn and explore!


Dr Rangana Rupavi Choudhuri (PhD)

P.S. Want to discover if EFT is right for you? Book a Complimentary Discovery Call.

How To Self-Heal & Become An EFT Practitioner

Discover how EFT Tapping can help you to self-heal or to become professionally qualified as a Certified EFT Practitioner. Emotional Freedom Techniques (Tapping) is clinically proven to lower stress, tension, anxiety, past trauma to enable health, happiness and vitality.

In summary, for a non-addicted lifestyle, freedom from addictions is necessary. Addictions tempt your brain to feel good. It is something that people seek comfort in and thus, can range from something as simple as coffee to life-threatening substances like drugs or alcohol. Using EFT Tapping for Addiction will allow you to discover the root cause of the addiction, promote a deeper mind-body connection that is free from addiction, and tune your body's energy into a more positive outflow.

Disclaimer: The information on this website is purely for educational purposes and does not in any way replace the requirement for medical and psychological diagnosis and treatment. Please seek professional medical and psychological diagnosis and advice for all medical and mental health conditions. It is advised to always book any consultations with qualified professionals.

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