
EFT Advanced Practitioners in Training

Natasha Fernandes

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Natasha Fernandes

United Kingdom

Natasha Fernandes is a Dynamic Coach, Mentor and Learning & Development Professional, She is a Clinical psychologist who specialises into diagnosis and therapeutic intervention. Her quest for client centred modalities lead her to EFT and now she finds EFT as one of the most easy to use tools for herself and her clients. Her core focus is Trauma informed therapy, she believes that every trauma can be healed when the individual is empowered. For Natasha, helping people go through transformation & empowerment is a way of conscious living & contributing to the planet.

EFT Practitioner in Training, Clinical Psychologist, Certified Empowerment Coach, Certified Wellness Coach, Certified Organizational Development Coach, Access Bars Facilitator and Core Shamanic Facilitator

English, Tamil & Hindi. 

Face to Face and Online

Seniors, Young Adults, Teenagers and Children.

Here are the guidelines in preparation for the sessions.
