EFT Advanced Practitioner Case Study Guidelines
These case study guidelines are meant for EFT Advanced Practitioners in Training who have completed the EFT Advanced Practitioner (EFT 3) Training.
This page has been written as a form of reference in order that all submitted case studies comply with the EFT International regulations.
This page includes the following information and forms:
- Preparing a case study
- Information on the case study requirements for Practitioner and Advanced Practitioner levels
- How are case studies evaluated?
- Preparing a personal case study write up
- Recording form for writing up case studies
- Sample case studies for the EFT Advanced Practitioner Level
In case you just want to jump to the relevant section, just click on the links above.
1.1 Background information
The first section of your case study will present your client's basic background. This encompasses the client's personal, social, family, educational, medical, and psychiatric history, providing context for their current issues and overall functioning. Examples of background include factors such as age, gender, location, occupation, past experiences, trauma history, health status, mental health history, drug and alcohol history, life difficulties, goals and coping skills, any diagnosis and treatments sought or completed, and you can also include the intake form as attached.
If the background doesn't change, you can copy and paste the same information for each case study write up. However, if there are changes that are pertinent to the therapy, for example, marital status, health diagnosis, or job change, then do update the background information in the relevant sessions.
1.2 Description of the presenting problem
In the next section of your case study, you will describe the problem or symptoms that the client presents with.
The presenting problem is the primary issue or set of issues that the client identifies as the reason for seeking EFT therapy, such as anxiety, depression, relationship difficulties, or stress. This section involves the overall reason and the current reasons for sessions.
Describe any physical, emotional, or sensory symptoms reported by the client. Thoughts, feelings, and perceptions related to the symptoms should also be noted.
If you used any screening tools or diagnostic assessments, they should also be described in detail and all scores reported. Examples of diagnostic tools include:
- PHQ9 (Depression Patient Questionnaire)
- GAD (Generalised Anxiety Disorder Questionnaire)
- HADS (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale)
- SUD (Subjective Units of Distress
Please include the use of an intake form and clarify the problem the client wants to resolve.
1.3 Assessment
This section includes your interpretation of the client's history, symptoms, and behaviours gathered through the conversations, consultation call, sessions conducted, observations, and any standardised tools to identify potential diagnoses and contributing factors.
You also share any proposed treatment plans with thoughts on specific interventions that might help your client in their transformation journey.
Provide your overall impression and give the appropriate assessment. Explain how you reached your assessment, how the client’s symptoms were presented, etc.
1.4 Explanation
In this section, describe how you informed the client about the treatments involved and completed any informed consent needed. For example, sharing what is involved with the EFT Tapping process.
1.5 Desired goal or change wanted
Document what the client wants, for example, a goal they want to reach or a problem they want to solve.
1.6 Intervention
Explain what methods you used to understand the problem at a deeper level, explore what the client wanted, and what techniques you used to resolve the challenge or help the client reach their goal.
For example:
- Use of measurement tools, if any (for example, in addition to an intake form, and/or a diagnostic tool used)
- Flexible language
- Questions used to get to the core issue
- Secondary gain questions
- Conflict resolution using role play
- Inner child
- Archetypes
- Shadow work
- Parts integration
- Inner committee
- Picture tapping
- Dream tapping
- Aroma tapping
- Chair tapping
- Deeper surrogate work with inner child & conflict resolution
- Addictions, serious illness and pain questions
- Love and forgiveness
- Explaining EFT
- Reframing
- Describe some (not all) set up phrases that were used: for example, ‘even though.’
You will find you will also integrate the EFT Practitioner Level 2 skills:
- Full EFT routine (full basic recipe)
- Movie technique
- Tell the story
- Fears and phobias
- Limiting beliefs
- Key words
- Use of questions
- Telephone or Skype work
- Working with children and teenagers
- Surrogate working
- Explanation of EFT and its effects
- Observation of the client's state
1.7 Outcome
The outcome refers to where you ended up at the end of the session and what was the experience of your client, for example, if they felt lighter, the pain reduced, or if they had a cognitive shift with regards to the past event.
The outcome of the session need not necessarily be a successful one, especially as you will only be conducting a few sessions. The important factor is how you demonstrate the techniques and skills you have been taught and your judgement in selecting which ones to use at which times during a session.
An example of a successful outcome may be measured by achieving the client’s goal (say being able to fly on a plane) or reducing their levels of anxiety and maintaining that level when they return for their next session. An unsuccessful outcome may well be your greatest teaching moment. Please describe what was learned from the session and what will be done differently in similar circumstances.
(See Section 6 for more on this)
1.8 Future planning
Document any thoughts you have on what you might want to explore in the next session based on what the client discussed with you or what you discussed with the clients.
1.6 Post session review and learning outcomes
In this section, write your reflections on:
- What did you do really well?
- What could you do even better?
- What would you do differently next time?
- Overall, what were your learnings?
- What were your learnings about the process?
- What were your learnings about yourself as an EFT Advanced Practitioner in Training?
At the end of each session:
Jot down brief notes at the end of each session, which will enable you to write detailed notes later for your records and give yourself time for self-reflection.
The issue, presenting problem, or what the client wants:
- Questions asked
- Tapping sequences used
- Techniques used
- How did you overcome the challenges?
- What made you decide to do what and when?
- What did you do well?
- What can you do better?
- What would you do differently next time?
- What are your overall learnings?
2.1 The required standard for the EFT Advanced Practitioner Certification
The EFT Advanced Practitioner (Level 3) case studies are of a much higher standard than the EFT Practitioner (Level 2).
The sessions are more complex, where the emphasis is on “quality” and not “quantity.” Trainers will be seeking to establish your:
- Knowledge and application of advanced EFT techniques.
- Ability to connect emotional or physical issues to the core issue.
- Ability to demonstrate your understanding of the psychology of what is going on.
- Know when to use what techniques and what questions.
- Understanding of when to introduce creativity, flexibility and adhere to the classical structure.
- Ability to help the client in a manner that was safe, loving, compassionate and thorough.
2.2 In order to become an internationally approved Certified EFT Advanced Practitioner you need to:
1. Submit in one e-mail to your trainer your:
- 18 case studies in total, for 3 clients with 6 sessions.
- A case study on self (6 case studies on self or with another practitioner/swap sessions).
- Answers to the multiple choice test and practice sessions (50 in total).
- 1 video of completing a one hour session with a client.
- 50 practice sessions on a minimum of 20 clients.
- A one-page review of your EFT Journey, aka Practice Review.
- CPD & Supervision/Mentoring Record Log Sheet.
- Confirmation that you are committed to the 'Code of Conduct' as well as CPD/Mentoring hours.
- Re-attend the EFT Advanced Practitioner Training as a review student/assist team before being awarded as an EFT Advanced Practitioner.
2. E-mail your submission within 6 months and no later than 12 months. Submissions beyond 12 months will require you to re-sit the training as an assist team member or review student. On receipt of your full submission, it takes approximately 8 weeks to review the case studies, practice sessions and multiple choice.
3. Participate on the WhatsApp & Facebook support groups by asking questions, supporting each other and sharing learnings and insights from case study sessions.
Your practice review is one A4 page long (font size 12) and can include:
- Learning and personal development with EFT to date.
- Current EFT practice, the context and client groups with which you use EFT.
- Intentions and plans for the development of your practice - outline your plans for further learning and mentoring.
- Learning from exploring a specific theme with EFT – for example, confidence, stress, anxiety, relationships.
Please note:
- The case studies must be of a standard that demonstrates knowledge, skills and competence at the relevant Practitioner level.
- All case studies are to be submitted to your Trainer within 12 months; and within 6 months is preferable of attending the relevant training course or the date on the attendance certificate. If there are any problems in this area, first speak with your Trainer.
- Your Trainer has the discretion to ask for these sessions to be submitted in one or more formats (i.e. written, recorded, filmed).
- Written case studies should follow the format included in this Guidance.
- The studies should demonstrate an in-depth exploration of issues and competent use of EFT techniques.
- Multiple issues like physical and emotional issues may occur in the same session.
- It is not necessary for a session to be successful. You can sometimes learn a great deal from analysing what did not go so well. It is perfectly satisfactory to present a session in which you did not achieve a complete resolution of the issues.
2.3 Skills that your Trainer will be looking for at the Advanced Practitioner candidate level:
1. Questioning skills, for example:
- What does that feeling remind you of?
- Where do you feel that right now?
- What SUD's level is it?
2. How is the Practitioner getting the information?
- Is the client’s body language being noticed?
- Are appropriate listening skills being used?
3. Is the Practitioner keeping the client safe by:
- Not contaminating the client’s words
- Utilising any safety techniques
- Being respectful of the client in all ways
- Being non-judgemental
- Being aware of anything they were triggered by during the session
- Explaining what the client feels now is a trigger and not what is happening now
4. Does the Practitioner notice any projections or counter transferences taking place?
5. Is the Practitioner using a variety of measurement tools?
Example of diagnostic tools include:
- PHQ9 (Depression Patient Questionnaire)
- GAD (Generalised Anxiety Disorder Questionnaire)
- HADS (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale)
- SUD (Subjective Units of Distress)
6. Is the Practitioner fully aware of ‘aspects’?
7. Is the Practitioner moving with each aspect as it comes up, but remembering to go back to the original aspect to check it has been cleared?
8. Is the Practitioner being specific enough?
9. Is the Practitioner going with the client and their beliefs, or are they putting their own interpretations?
10. Is the Practitioner testing sufficiently to establish if the emotion has been neutralised?
11. Is the Practitioner being ‘present’ at all times in the session giving their client full connection and focus?
12. Is the Practitioner being aware of the ‘clock’ time and mentioning there is 10 minutes left ahead of time in order to prepare the client’s subconscious and avoid any new issues arising?
13. Was the issue isolated?
14. How was the issue resolved?
15. If there was a partial resolution, what did the Practitioner do next?
16. Were there any cognitive shifts?
17. What techniques were used (use the skills appropriate to the client session, which can vary session by session)?
2.3 Recommended session times
All session times should be limited to 1 hour, and be no more than 1 hour 30 minutes.
The first session will usually include a consultation so add approximately 20-30 minutes extra time for this.
2.4 Follow the guidelines of the One-to-One Case Study Process to get clients with integrity
To find the latest guidelines you can click on this link. Or if you have been given access to the learning management system portal you can find it on this link.
3.1 Client Case Studies
Before certifying an EFT Advanced Practitioner, a Trainer and/or Mentor critically evaluates each case study to ensure that the Advanced Practitioner in Training has grasped the skills taught in the relevant course level.
While no case study will necessarily include all of the following criteria, Trainers/Mentors will want to see just how effectively a candidate:
- Identified her/his client’s presenting issue(s) and goal(s), for example identified the particular feeling, memory, belief, or situation that is a problem for the client.
- Agree on the goals/desired outcomes.
- Handled abreactions or overwhelms.
- Demonstrated knowledge of when and how to ask appropriate, quality questions.
- Understood and handled the need to reduce the intensity/SUDs/VOC Levels that arose during session(s).
- Undertook every opportunity to be gentle and avoid retraumatising the client.
- Recognised how and when a client displayed a reframe or cognitive shift.
- Displayed how cognitive shifts (or “client reframes”) were integrated.
- Undertook appropriate opportunities to measure and test their work.
- Describe the role of any reversals present and how you handled these aspects (i.e. secondary gain/loss, etc.).
- Displayed thoroughness (as well as variety) of measuring and testing opportunities.
- Professionally managed and contained the EFT process.
- Built rapport, safety, trust with clients and handled any challenges in this area (projection, transference, etc.)
- Listened to their clients, reflected their subjective experience and worked with what they were bringing to the table.
- Maintained a non-judgmental stance (displayed ability to “get themselves out of the way”) during the EFT interaction (i.e. the concept of “through me, not by me”)
- Utilized effective and appropriate reframing.
- Uncovered, handled or otherwise acknowledged core issues* and their relationship to the presenting issues as well as specific past events.
- Discerned any need to refer out, recognized areas where they lacked expertise or otherwise demonstrated understanding the concept of “Do not go where you don’t belong.”
- Opened and closed sessions appropriately (i.e. demonstrated the ability to end session(s) safely and on time, and knowledge of what to do with any extra time at the end of the session (more testing, assigning homework, or more tapping if appropriate, etc.)
- Addressed and/or acknowledged any ethical concerns or issues that may have arisen.
- Communicated ample self-reflection about the process.
*If, for example, during a single session, no core issues arose or there was difficulty clearly identifying or resolving them, the Mentor will want to ascertain a candidate's understanding of the relationship between what did unfold in this session and “getting to the core.”
3.2 What to identify in the case studies?
When writing up the case studies definitely explain the following:
- Identify the particular feeling, memory, belief, or situation that is a problem for the client.
- Agree on the goals/desired outcome.
- Introduce any safety techniques.
- Decide on the EFT techniques to be used.
- Indicate what phrases you used to bring about a change in the SUD level.
- Ability to establish boundaries.
- Knowledge and understanding of principles, theories and techniques of EFT.
- How you explained EFT to the client and how you initially demonstrated it to them.
- How you isolated issues to be worked.
- If PR was present and, if so, how it was neutralised.
- What set-up affirmations were used and how you decided what words to use.
- The reminder phrases that were used.
- Which points were tapped - a full sequence or shortcuts.
- The methods used to address the issues and why these were chosen.
- How far the issue was resolved, and how this was assessed.
- If partial resolution of an issue occurred, what you did next.
- What testing methods you used.
- Whether there were any shifts of aspect or issue.
- Whether there were any cognitive shifts.
- Which questions were asked to reach deeper levels of issues.
- How affirmations were framed and reframed.
The Trainer will need to be assured that students know when and how to ask appropriate questions to reduce the SUD scale and bring about a cognitive shift, how well they have understood a client’s presenting issues and how to handle any abreactions or overwhelms. Trainers will be establishing whether students are able to build rapport with a client and how they have handled an abreaction, shifting aspects, etc.
If needed, notes should be made during the session as a reminder, or you can ask permission to record during the session and then write more notes down immediately after the session.
If you have any questions, please consult with your Trainer/Supervisor.
4.1 How to write up a personal or self-help case study
How someone finds their way to tapping for personal issues is always highly individualized. Whether the approach is to:
- Journal their personal peace procedure (or adaptation) at set times several times per week.
- Write and tap stream of consciousness several times per day.
- Identify areas of stress in the body as a personal ritual before bedtime.
- Personalised methods used can find their way into a personal case study.
Just as in client case studies, personal case studies involve clearly defining an issue or problem to explore, and sharing the resulting “tapping journey” in a detailed write-up for discussion with the trainer and or mentor.
The personal case studies, just like client case studies, are hour long sessions and no more than 1 hour 30 minutes.
Writing a personal case study is a two-part exercise:
- Firstly, the candidate works through their presenting issue, problem or limitation in a way and time that is uniquely their own (see full description above). Candidates can do their own tapping or work together with another person.
- Next, once the personal tapping process is complete, the candidate writes-up their experience and communicates how foundational (and/or advanced) EFT skills were employed. This process is very similar to a client case study – where the client is you. The case must include relevant background, insights gained, techniques used and written up as a case study .
The case study needs to include a write up for each sections:
- Background Information (about the client)
- Description of the presenting problem (the reason the client came to see you)
- Assessment (your assessment)
- Explanation (how you explained what would happen during the session)
- Desired goal or change wanted (from your client)
- Intervention (what you facilitated during the session)
- Outcome (what happened at the end of the session or client feedback during or after the session, including any testimonials)
- Future planning (what you would propose in your next session)
- Post session review and learning outcomes (your reflections and what you learned)
4.2 Assessment of personal case studies
Assessment of personal case studies will be focused upon how thoroughly and successfully a Candidate was able to use the EFT toolbox on her/his own behalf.
This is a different EFT skillset than helping others, as it can be challenging to ask ourselves the curious questions, we might easily ask of someone else.
Personal case studies are designed to encourage thorough self-exploration and self-reflection using EFT as the primary tool.
As in client case studies, trainers and/or mentors will be looking to verify that a candidate:
- Has sufficiently identified a personal issue.
- Addressed the presenting aspects.
- Tapped on any body sensations, snuck up/away when necessary.
- Identified and handled core issues (including specific past events).
- Thoroughly measured and tested the results along the way.
As in any thorough case study, Trainers and or Mentors will be looking for specific ways in which Level 1, Level 2 (and/or Level 3) EFT was applied.
At each level of practice, Mentors will be assessing candidates’ understanding of how their unique tapping exploration specifically relates to foundational and/or advanced EFT skills.
Download this template to record your EFT case studies for EFT Advanced Practitioner Level.
Name of EFT Student | SM |
Date of session | 21 July 2022 |
Length of session | 1 hour 10 minutes |
Client id (if applicable) | Client A |
Gender | Female |
Case study number | 01 |
Session number | 1 of 6 sessions |
Background information about the client:
Refer to the Intake form attached for client A.
Description of the presenting problem:
Client A was feeling unsatisfied with her job, but she was unable to understand whether that was because it was the job that was unfulfilling, or whether it was her lack of enthusiasm for it. Although she knew that she didn’t want to stick with the same job forever, she seemed unable to make a decision as to how much longer she wanted to continue.
Client A was experiencing a lot of internal conflict. On one hand, she was grateful for the job, and on the other hand, she found the work mind-numbing and boring, and it made her feel unfulfilled. A part of her wanted something more, but she was worried about letting this job go, as it was all that she had to show on her CV.
Explanation (how you explained what would happen during the session):
The client was familiar with EFT, so we began straightaway.
Desired goal or change wanted (from your client):
Client A wanted more clarity on whether it was she who was being lazy and avoiding work, or whether the job was really for her.
Intervention (what you facilitated during the session):
We began the session with client A telling me about her work and how she felt about it. She is an Editorial Assistant of a scientific journal, but her actual work involved a lot of data mining and other tasks that she described as boring and mind numbing. On one hand she was grateful for having the job, yet at the same time she found she was becoming less and less interested in the actual work. She was also annoyed at her boss, Boss B, who expected her to send in daily status reports, even when the tasks were extremely mundane at times. Despite her regular efforts to follow the instructions, she found that her efforts went unacknowledged. Besides, Boss B had expectations of her that he did not express, and yet wanted her to fulfill. This communication gap was causing even more frustration for client A.
Client A found that she was no longer doing her best at her job and this made her wonder why she was doing it. She was afraid of not having anything substantial on her CV which would make her appear incompetent. The work was part-time, and required her to work 4 hours a day. Yet, a part of her wanted to do so much more. The question in her mind was ‘Is it me who’s gotten lazy?’
We did a few rounds of tapping on all the above facts.
“Even though I’m grateful for my job, I find the work boring and mind-numbing, I deeply and completely love and accept myself. Even though I’m becoming less and less interested in the actual work, and can’t seem to fulfill Boss B’s expectations, I deeply and completely love and accept myself. Even though the work is really mundane, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.”
We tapped on these with the corresponding reminder phrases.
We also tapped saying “Even though I’m no longer interested in my job, I want it for my CV, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.” This reframe landed with client A, and she burst out laughing.
I asked her what it meant to her if she decided to give up the job.
She replied, saying that the benefits of the job were that she was getting paid and had something to show on her CV. Apart from that she was just a cog in the machine. She didn’t feel fulfilled. She was willing to go through it for maybe 6 more months, yet a part of her was tired of it. Continuing with it made her feel constrained.
We tapped on these details, and then continued with the inner committee process.
I asked client A to close her eyes, and identify all the different voices inside her head, that contributed to the inner dialogue with respect to this situation. I asked her to tell me what each of the voices was saying. Based on this, I asked her to give each of the sub-personalities a name, and describe each of them (gender, appearance, etc.)
We identified 9 sub-personalities, which were as follows:
Earnest Sally
“Boss B is counting on you; you don’t want to let him down.”
This was said by Earnest Sally, a small frail little feminine sub-personality with a sweet voice. She was young and earnest.
Major ‘It’s my time’
“It’s important to look at what makes me happy.”
This was a tall male, straight-backed, firm, military-like sub-personality.
Aunty Busybody
“That’s selfish.”
Aunty Busybody was an older woman, sitting and knitting with a perpetual frown on her face. She wore rhinestone glasses, and seemed to secretly like a little bit of ‘bling’. She had a high squeaky voice, and was probably selfish herself. She was hypocritical.
Boy Scout
“You’ve committed for a year.”
This was a young boy who followed rules, and liked to do the right thing. He had neatly combed hair and brightly polished shoes.
Miss Easily Distracted
“It’s so boring!”
This was a little toddler who was crying and throwing a tantrum in the corner. She was a little girl with a frilly dress and curly hair, tied up in two ponytails.
Ms. Wistful
“I want so much more!”
This was a wistful girl, sitting at the window and looking out. She was slightly younger than Client A.
Ms. Solpa Adjust Maadi (meaning Ms. Adjust-a-little)
“It’s only 4 hours a day.”
This was said by a motherly, matronly woman, sitting quietly at the table, and taking care of everyone. She was a comfortable person, wearing an apron, and probably had goodies in her bag for everyone.
Lord Snore
“This 4 hours still makes me tired.”
This was a hypochondriac young man, sitting with a thermometer in his mouth. He sat as if he had no spine, with his hand over his head.
Ms. Hopeful & Confident
“My CV is important too.”
This was a younger version of Client A, when she was just finishing school, getting ready for college, eager to take on the world. She was busy collecting certificates and accolades. She thought she knew everything.
Once these 9 sub-personalities were identified, we began working with the first one, Earnest Sally.
1) Earnest Sally
“Boss B is counting on you; you don’t want to let him down.”
This was said by Earnest Sally, a small frail little feminine sub-personality with a sweet voice. She was young and earnest.
I asked Client A to assume the personality of Earnest Sally, and tap as her.
“Even though Boss B is counting on me and I don’t want to let him down, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.”
“Boss B is counting on me… I don’t want to let him down… My earnest nature doesn’t want me to let someone down… Not if they’re counting on me…”
I then asked Client A, ‘When did you first learn that you mustn’t let someone down if they’re counting on you?’
Client A said it was when she was about 10 years old. Her classmates in school weren’t really friendly, and that made her feel bad and sad. She learned how it felt when people weren’t there for her, and so she made sure she was there for others, especially if they were counting on her.
We tapped.
“Even though back in school my classmates weren’t really there for me, and it made me feel bad and sad, I deeply and completely love and accept myself. Even though I knew how it felt, and then decided to be there for other people, especially if they were counting on me, I deeply and completely love and accept myself. Even though I felt bad, that was then, this is now. I now open myself to the possibility of first being there for myself, and I deeply and completely love and accept myself.”
At this point, Client A’s face relaxed and she started smiling. She looked happy. I asked her how Earnest Sally was feeling. She replied that Earnest Sally now felt that not doing the work well would, in fact, be letting Boss B down, so there was no point in staying unless she was willing to do the work well.
She said that Earnest Sally had decided to stay on only if she was willing to do the work, and was in a happier and much more settled place now.
Client A mentioned that immediately after the session, once she began her work for the day, she would have to talk to Boss B. Before, she wasn’t very eager to talk to him, but after tapping on Earnest Sally, she felt in a very good space to talk to him.
Client A looked much happier, and her body language showed more lightness. She was smiling.
The session had already lasted for over an hour, so we decided to continue with the remaining sub-personalities in the next session.
In this process, we worked with continuous tapping, reframes, flexible language, archetypes, inner committee and sub-personality tapping.
Outcome (what happened at the end of the session or client feedback during or after the session, including any testimonials):
Client A looked much happier after the session. She was smiling, and there was lightness in her presence. She said she was in a better place to talk to her boss, Boss B, than she had been before.
A few hours after the session, when Client A was at work, she called me up for a few moments to tell me that Boss B had offered her a promotion. She was very happy and excited, and felt that the clearing of the energy with the first sub-personality had prepared her for the unexpected offer.
Future planning (what you would propose in your next session):
We will continue tapping on the remaining sub-personalities in the next session.
Post session review and learning outcomes (your reflections and what you learned):
This was the first time I had worked with the inner committee; it was very interesting to see the varied sub-personalities that influence our thoughts and views about a given situation.SAMPLE CASE STUDY 2 AT EFT ADVANCED PRACTITIONER LEVEL 3
Name of EFT Student | SM |
Date of session | 04 |
Length of session | 1 hour 15 minutes |
Client id (if applicable) | Client K |
Gender | Male |
Case study number | 03 |
Session number | 1 of 6 sessions |
Background Information:
Please refer to the Intake form attached (Client K)
Description of the presenting problem (the reason the client came to see you):
Client K had been emotionally shutdown for over a year. He knew whenever any emotions were coming up, but could not feel them fully like he had been able to before. He was aware of them in a more mental way. He used to be a very emotional person before, and now that he could no longer feel his emotions fully like he was able to in the past, he was anxious and afraid. He knew he was anxious or afraid because he would notice his body responding in a nervous way, but he could not really feel the emotions as such. He was ill at ease. Because of the shutdown, he was unable to feel even positive emotions like happiness, and therefore felt like he was missing out on a lot. There was apparently no particular event that had triggered the shutdown.
Assessment (your assessment):
Client K was very aware of his situation, and how his body responded to the emotions going on beneath the shutdown.
Explanation (how you explained what would happen during the session):
The client was an another EFT practitioner, so we began straightaway.
Desired goal or change wanted (from your client):
Client K wanted to be able to feel his emotions again and overcome the emotional shutdown.
Intervention (what you facilitated during the session):
Once Client K had explained his condition to me, I asked him how the shutdown seemed or made him “feel.” I was looking for any internal response to the shutdown, even if it was mental, and not a feeling. He said it was dry, tasteless and colourless. He also said that it made him feel like there was no meaning left anymore. I asked him where in his body he would experience it. He said he sometimes experienced it physically as tightness in his chest, as though it was a burp stuck in his chest. When he would explore it, there would be nothing there. It also made him lethargic. He said it was not peaceful. It was as if something was bugging him, but he could not feel it.
We did a few rounds of tapping on all of these facts, and then I asked him to tell me if he was aware of how he used to feel before the shutdown.
Client K said he used to feel his emotions fully. Sometimes he would feel his emotions very strongly, and got overwhelmed by them. He had faced a lot of hurts before the shutdown, and a lot of rejection. He had not been able to pursue playing music professionally as he would have liked to, because he had not reached the required level of practice. He had been bullied in high school, and faced rejection from friends, which made him feel left out.
In the past, he sometimes got overwhelmed by emotions, and even had Ab reactions. When he was in college, if he got depressed while in class, his depressed feelings would be so overwhelming that he would have to get up and leave the class. He mentioned that he would not be able to do that at office, now that he was working.
We again tapped on all of these.
I sensed that there might be some benefit of the shutdown, and did the secondary gains procedure. I asked him the questions for this process.
Being shutdown had cost him the ability to process his past hurts, and fears of the future, and that made him sad.
In a sense it had also cost him his life, because he saw no meaning or purpose anymore. This made him blank, very uncomfortable, and he didn’t care about anything.
I asked him how things would change for the better if he could feel his emotions again. He immediately said they would not – he would be a mess.
I asked him the same question again, and this time he replied that he would be able to move forward, and do something about the way he felt.
Finally, he would also be able to feel again, and not miss out on being happy and excited.
He said he would initially feel a lot of fear and maybe even panic at feeling things strongly, and be judged for being too emotional. He was afraid he might be labeled as ‘mentally unstable’.
The benefit of the shutdown was that he didn’t feel panic anymore. He noticed the symptoms in his body sometimes, but didn’t feel the emotion.
The other benefit was that when he was in college and depressed, he could not sit in class. Now he was at least able to sit at his job, without feeling the need to get up and leave.
He was afraid that if he could feel his emotions, he would be forced to work, even if he was experiencing overwhelm. The shutdown saved him from that.
Another benefit was that he would not know when he was depressed, and that would help him get through the day.
I asked Client K how he could have the benefit of the shutdown, and yet be able to feel his emotions again. He said he would need to take a break of about 4-6 months, where he would be able to work with himself to process everything. I asked him what was stopping him from doing that. He replied saying he did not like his profession, so it was not that. However, he was in a committed relationship for 4.5 years, and might get engaged next month. That was stopping him.
I asked him how his fiancée would feel about it, if he were to take some time off for himself. He said she tried to be supportive, but tended to panic. If he quit his job, she would panic, and she was not a very nice person when she panicked.
He also had fears about being able to pay his rent and feed his family in the future.
Client K said he sometimes tended to stutter and stammer (since childhood), and now at this point he was having difficulty expressing himself freely, as the stuttering and stammering was getting a bit strong. We slowed down the pace of talking, to make it easier for him.
We tapped.
“Even though, I’m emotionally shutdown, I love and accept myself. Even though I’m shutdown, and my shutdown has kept me safe, I love and accept myself.
If I feel my emotions I might be so afraid….
Might even panic…
I couldn’t sit in class when I was depressed before…
Now I can at least work…
Even though my shutdown has kept me safe, and I’m thankful to it for keeping me safe, I love and accept myself. Suppose somehow there was a way by which I could feel my emotions safely, without being overwhelmed and afraid of them, I would choose that now. I open myself to the possibility of feeling my emotions safely, and remaining calm, even when negative emotions come up strongly.
Even though I’m worried about being shutdown, this experience of being shutdown has taught me how to function smoothly in everyday life, which I was not able to do before. This experience has taught me how to function without getting overwhelmed. I’m grateful to my body and mind, for the learning it has given me through this shutdown experience. Even though I may not have always trusted myself in the past that was then, this is now. I now choose to trust my body, and its natural intelligence, and allow it to teach me the lessons it has to teach me through this shutdown experience.
Even though the shutdown has been a friend that kept me safe from feeling my emotions, I now choose to safely feel my emotions, and release the shutdown with gratitude. I release the shutdown… It’s safe for me to release the shutdown… I safely release any attachment I might unconsciously have to this shutdown… I am safe anyway…”
By the end of this process, Client K was looking a lot more relaxed. He had had a frown of anxiety and his facial expression was worried when we started. By now it was much more relaxed.
I checked with him about how he was feeling. He said although the shutdown was still there, it's quality had shifted. It was no longer dry, tasteless or colourless.
Since Client K was having difficulty in speaking freely, I decided to shift focus to the stammering.
Client K had had this problem since childhood. He tended to stutter or stammer more when he was around judgemental people. When asked when was the first time he remembered stammering, he said that he was around 8 years old. He was having difficulty speaking freely, and his father had said “Who will hire you when you grow up if you speak like that?”
Client K said he had already worked with that particular incident and processed it. However, as a child, the slightest things he wanted to do were not only judged but also had bad repercussions. He was scolded a lot by his father, who was his idol. He gave the example of a time when he was cleaning a video tape, and his father asked him to go to bed. Client K asked him to let him finish, as he was trying to finish cleaning the tape, but his father got angry, and threw the tape. This was typical behavior that he experienced throughout his childhood. He was skinny, and small, and used to feel condemned. He couldn’t defend himself, and used to feel helpless. He would also feel guilty, like it was his fault, and that he was a condemnable person.
We switched to the inner child process. I asked client K to invite the younger client K to sit beside him. Client K wasn’t very comfortable imagining something outside himself, so we did a slight variation. I asked him to step into the body of the younger client K, and to surrogate tap for the younger client K.
“Even though Appa (Appa was how he called his father) always scolds me a lot, I love and accept myself. Even though I admire him a lot, he always scolds me for little things, and I feel guilty, as if it’s all my fault, and I’m a condemnable person. I’m so small and skinny, and can’t defend myself. Even though I feel so helpless, I love and accept myself.
It’s all my fault…
I feel guilty…
I’m a condemnable person…
I’m so helpless…
Even though I feel guilty, and feel like a condemnable person, suppose somehow I could love myself anyway, I would choose that now. I’m open to the possibility of loving myself, irrespective of whether I am small, skinny, helpless or at fault. Even though it might even be something I’m unfamiliar with, I choose to love myself unconditionally, no matter what my faults are, and no matter my limitations. I choose to love my limitations as a part of me. I love the part of me that feels helpless, the part of me that judges me for feeling helpless. I love and accept all parts of me.
(Top of the head) It’s safe to love. I’m worthy of love.”
We repeated the last line affirmation on all the tapping points, and brought the session to a conclusion.
Client K was looking far more open, and he was smiling. He said that he had had a backache for some time. The pain was reduced to less than half by the end of the session. He was also speaking more easily towards the final process.
In this process, we worked with continuous tapping, flexible language, secondary gain, inner child with surrogate tapping, and reframes.
Outcome (what happened at the end of the session or client feedback during or after the session, including any testimonials):
By the end of the session, Client K was no longer worried about the emotional shutdown. He said its quality had shifted in a more positive way. Since we had also worked on self-love for the inner child, there was more lightness about his presence.
Future planning (what you would propose in your next session):
Continue working on the emotional shutdown, and if the stammering comes up again, on that too. Will also explore the inner child process to heal younger memories, if required.
Post session review and learning outcomes (your reflections and what you learned):
This was the first time I was doing a process for someone who was unable to feel his emotions, and was yet aware of being affected by them. I was unable to use the regular process of identifying where the emotion was felt in the body and identifying the SUD's. The secondary gain process was very helpful in this case. It was a great learning session, and taught me a lot.